Podcast on Intellectual Property Infringement
The damage caused by the illegal market in Brazil is almost four times greater than the average in Latin America. This was one of the points that the executive president of ETCO, Edson Vismona, addressed in his participation in a podcast produced by the Brazilian Association of Intellectual Property (ABPI), in July.
In the conversation, Vismona presented the most recent data from the survey carried out annually by the National Forum to Combat Piracy (FNCP), which he also chairs, on the losses that the illegal market causes in fifteen business sectors and in the collection of taxes in the country.
Vismona recalled that, in the first edition of the study, in 2014, the losses totaled R$ 100 billion – and they have not stopped growing since then, reaching R$ 291,4 billion, which is equivalent to 7,8% of GDP. The Latin American Anti-Smuggling Alliance (ALAC), an organization that brings together representatives from fifteen countries in Latin America, estimates that the average in the region is 2%.
The president of ETCO pointed out the various reasons that explain the high presence of the illegal market in Brazil, such as misinformation and the complicity of a good part of the population; border enforcement, electronic commerce and many shopping centers in cities; and the lack of punishment for offenders.
The conversation also included the participation of lawyer David Rodrigues, specialized in Intellectual Property and a partner at Montaury Pimenta Machado e Vieira de Mello. The podcast is available at this address.