Advances that ETCO has helped to build in its 18 years in defense of competitive ethics

(Brazilian Institute of Competition Ethics) It was the second half of 2002 when a group of entrepreneurs from the beer, soda, tobacco and fuel sectors realized that they were facing the same problem: the growth of informality and illicit practices in their respective markets.
Upon realizing that they had been working individually against violations of the law that afflicted everyone, such as tax evasion, smuggling and trademark counterfeiting, they decided to join forces to fight the common evil.
On April 8, 2003, a ceremony for 500 business representatives and government officials in Brasília marked the birth of the Brazilian Institute of Competition Ethics (ETCO). Its mission: to fight illegal practices and predatory competition.
The first Board of Directors was formed by Victorio De Marchi (beer sector), Hoche José Pulcherio (soft drinks), Leonardo Gadotti Filho (fuel), who are still linked to the Institute as members of the Advisory Board, and Milton de Carvalho Cabral (tobacco ).
Since then, ETCO has staged numerous battles and won important victories in defense of competition ethics, such as those presented in the following pages.
ETCO Foundation: On April 8, a ceremony with 500 people, including business representatives, journalists, authorities from the three branches of government and other leaders, at the Tennis Academy, in Brasília, marks the launch of ETCO. Since the beginning, the Institute has received support from representatives of the beer, soft drinks, tobacco and fuel sectors.
Article 146-A of the Constitution: The support and participation of ETCO contribute to the inscription of article 146-A in the Constitution of the Country, through Constitutional Amendment nº 42/03, approved by the National Congress. The provision authorizes the creation, by means of a complementary law, of special taxation criteria with the objective of preventing competitive imbalances. Despite the victory of making this possibility appear in the Constitution, eighteen years later, the country is still awaiting the approval of the complementary law. PLS 284/17, pending in the Senate since 2017, has this purpose and is supported by ETCO.
Establishment of the CPI on Piracy: Created in June 2003 by the National Congress, the CPI on Piracy would give rise to the National Council for Combating Piracy and Crimes against Intellectual Property (CNCP).
Illegal Trade Seminar: ETCO supports the organization of the Illegal Trade Seminar in Brasília, which results in a document with suggestions for combining innovative policies with increased rigor in inspection.
Study on the informal market: McKinsey & Company, a consulting firm, carries out, at the request of ETCO, the study Eliminating Barriers to Economic Growth and the Formal Economy in Brazil, showing the connections between illegality, low productivity and low economic growth in Brazil.
Parallel Brazil x Economic Growth Seminar: Based on McKinsey's study, ETCO holds an event to debate the damage of informality to the productivity of companies and the country's growth. Held in São Paulo, the seminar Brasil Parallel X Economic Growth brought together hundreds of people, including business leaders and politicians , economists and journalists.
Creation of CNCP: The Ministry of Justice complies with a recommendation from the CPI on Piracy and creates the National Council for Combating Piracy and Crimes against Intellectual Property (CNCP), a body composed of representatives from the public and private sectors. Since its creation, ETCO has stood out as one of the most active members of the Council and, in 2008, became manager of the Free City of Piracy Program.
Flow meter in breweries: To combat tax evasion, the tax authorities begin to install flow meters in breweries, a project created by suggestion and with the support of ETCO.
Radio and magazine: In order to publicize its initiatives and promote the principles of competitive ethics in society, ETCO launches, on national television, on CBN radio, the bulletin Ethics in Business. It also launches its own publication, the ETCO Magazine.
Study on tax reform: ETCO hires GV Consult, a consultancy linked to the Getulio Vargas Foundation, to carry out the study on Macroeconomic, Regional and Sectoral Impacts of Tax Reform.
Informality in the pharmaceutical sector: ETCO supports the study Informality in the Pharmaceutical Sector: Barrier to the Growth of the Brazilian Economy and Risk to Public Health, by McKinsey & Company and the Pinheiro Neto Advogados law firm. The study is presented and debated at a seminar attended by the Minister of Health, the deputy secretary of the Internal Revenue Service and the general director of the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa).
Creation of the Medicines Chamber: To continue the fight against illegality in the pharmaceutical sector, after sponsoring a study and seminar on the subject, ETCO creates the Medicines Chamber. The initiative attracts 33 companies in the sector to the Institute.
Presidency of the Advisory Board: Former Minister of Economy and former Brazilian ambassador to the United States Marcílio Marques Moreira is chosen by the Board of Directors to assume the newly created role of chairman of the ETCO Advisory Board. Its intellectual, political, economic and moral authority strengthen the Institute's work in defense of ethics in economic activity and as a fundamental pillar of society.
Seminar on Competitive Justice and Ethics: In partnership with the Association of Federal Judges of Brazil (Ajufe), the Legal Consultant website and the Editorial Analysis, ETCO holds the seminar Justice and its Role in the Fight against Unfair Competition. The event will be attended by, among others, the Secretary of Economic Law at the Ministry of Justice, Daniel Goldberg, the jurist Ives Gandra Martins, the lawyers Hamilton Dias de Souza and Ary Oswaldo Mattos Filho and the minister of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) João Otávio of Noronha.
Flow meter in soft drink industries: After being successfully deployed in the beverage industry, flow meters, instituted by the tax authorities with the support and participation of ETCO, are also mandatory in the soft drink industries.
Electronic Invoice Pilot Project: With the participation of ETCO and its associated companies, the pilot project of the Electronic Invoice (NF-e) begins, one of the most important initiatives to modernize the relationship between the tax authorities and taxpayers and combat tax evasion in the country.
Creation of the National Forum Against Piracy and Illegality (FNCP): ETCO was one of the entities that shaped the creation of a large front of entities representing the productive segments and companies in defense of competition ethics, the legal market and combating practices that harm the consumer, the treasury and fair competitiveness. The initial idea was to expand support for CNCP initiatives.
NF-e expands across the country: From a pilot project with 19 companies, the electronic Invoice began to be adopted on a large scale. The fuel and cigarette distribution sectors, represented by ETCO, are the first to join.
Specific Taxation Book: The Institute launches the book Taxação Específica, with eight opinions from renowned experts on important aspects of ad rem taxation.
Creation of the Technology Chamber: Microsoft, a leading software supplier, joins ETCO and represents the sector in the newly created Sectorial Chamber of Technology, which joins existing drug, tobacco, beer, soft drinks and fuel groups in the fight against unfair competition .
Justice and Economy Debate Cycle: ETCO organizes a cycle of three debates in São Paulo, on the themes: Legal Security and Economic Development; Legal Impacts of Economic Decisions and Economic Impacts of Legal Decisions; and The Efficiency of Justice and its Effectiveness in the Economy.
Seminar at USP: The Institute promotes the seminar How to Improve the Business Environment, at USP, with the presence of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, José Serra, Marcílio Marques Moreira, Jaques Wagner, Joaquim Levy, among others.
Legal School Project: ETCO participates in the conception, guidelines and definition of materials for the Legal School project, an Amcham initiative with the objective of making elementary school students aware of the harm caused by piracy.
Start of operation of the Scorpios system: The Internal Revenue Service begins the implementation of the Control and Tracking System for Cigarette Production (Scorpios), with the objective of improving inspection of the sector in order to curb any acts of tax evasion. The system is supported by ETCO.
Innovation and Intellectual Property Workshop: ETCO promotes an event in Brasília to debate the benefits of respecting intellectual property for the economy.
Debate and book Culture of Transgressions: ETCO and the Fernando Henrique Cardoso Institute hold a debate on the historical roots of the culture of transgressions in Brazil, coordinated by FHC and Marcílio Marques Moreira and with lectures by André Franco Montoro Filho, then president of ETCO, Bolívar Lamounier, Joaquim Falcão, José Murilo by Carvalho and Roberto DaMatta. The event would give rise to the first book Cultura das Transgressões: Lessons from History, the first of a trilogy published by ETCO.
Seminar on Underground Economy: The event held in Rio de Janeiro brought together specialists from Brazil and abroad to debate the causes and consequences of the informal economy. In 2010, ETCO and the Brazilian Institute of Economics of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (IBRE/FGV) launched the Underground Economy Index, which has followed the advance of informality since then.
Law and Economics Book: The publication brings together ideas from leading experts who participated, in the previous year, in the Justice and Economy debate cycle.
Creation of Sicobe: In an evolution of the project that, starting in 2004, determined the installation of flow meters in the beverage industries, the federal government created the Beverage Production Control System (Sicobe), with automatic data transmission to the Federal Revenue. The initiative was supported by ETCO.
Piracy Free City Program: ETCO takes over the management of the Free City of Piracy program, a project of the National Council for Combating Piracy and Crimes Against Intellectual Property (CNCP) which involves municipalities in the country in campaigns to prevent and combat the illegal market.
Underground Economy Book: The publication brings together articles by specialists who participated, in the previous year, in an event on the subject.
Book Culture of Transgressions: Visions of the Present: Second book in the Culture of Transgressions trilogy, it discusses the current impacts of this trait of national culture, with texts by Marcílio Marques Moreira, Fábio Wanderley Reis, Caio Túlio Costa, Yves de La Taille and Içami Tiba.
Data intelligence in NF-e: ETCO supports a pioneering project by the government of Bahia to develop a data intelligence system for electronic invoices, later called NF-e BI (Business Intelligence) and disseminated throughout the country.
National Drug Control System: With the support of ETCO, Law 11903/09 is approved in Congress, creating the National System for the Control of Medicines to monitor pharmaceutical products produced, dispensed and sold in Brazil. The system would play a fundamental role in combating counterfeiting and drug smuggling. Pilot project is carried out with seven industries associated with ETCO.
Seminar on Defense of Competition as a Constitutional Value: Held at the headquarters of the Federal Justice, in Brasília, with the presentation of the research Law and Economics: Perceptions on Justice, coordinated by Professor of Political Science at USP Maria Tereza Sadek.
Creation of the Underground Economy Index: ETCO and the Brazilian Institute of Economics of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (IBRE/FGV) create the Underground Economy Index (IES), which measures the size of the informal market in the country. equivalent to 18,4% of GDP. Retroactive calculations show, however, that the shadow economy had been falling since 2003, when it represented 21% of GDP.
Free City of Piracy gains membership: São Paulo, Curitiba and Brasília became part of the National Council for Combating Piracy and Crimes Against Intellectual Property (CNCP) program coordinated by ETCO.
Seminar on Article 146-A of the Constitution: ETCO holds the Seminar on Tax Competition Imbalance and the Brazilian Constitution in Brasília, which brings together specialists to discuss the importance of regulating Article 146-A of the Constitution. Provision authorizes the creation of special taxation regimes to correct tax imbalances in competition.
Market Tribute Book: The publication written by journalist Oscar Pilagallo brings together the contributions of experts who participated in the Seminar on Tax Competition Imbalance and the Brazilian Constitution, on the regulation of Article 146-A of the Constitution.
Belo Horizonte joins the Free City of Piracy: The capital of Minas Gerais is the fourth municipality to join the program of the National Council for Combating Piracy and Crimes against Intellectual Property, coordinated by ETCO, after Curitiba, São Paulo and Brasília.
Seminar and book Culture of Transgressions: Scenarios of Tomorrow: ETCO and Instituto Fernando Henrique Cardoso hold the seminar Culture of Transgressions: Scenarios of Tomorrow, with lectures by former attorney general of the Republic Aristides Junqueira, economist Paul Singer and professor of Ethics and Political Philosophy at USP Renato Janine Ribeiro. The event gives rise to the third book in the Cultura das Transgressões series, coordinated by FHC and diplomat Roberto Abdenur, then president of ETCO.
XNUMXst National Award for Combating Piracy: ETCO supports the XNUMXst National Award for Combating Piracy, held by the CNPC. The winners are the Urban Security Secretariat of the City of São Paulo, the National Union of Tax Analysts of the Federal Revenue (Sindireceita) and the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES).
NF-e BI is made available to States: During the 40th edition of the National Meeting of State Tax Coordinators and Administrators (ENCAT), the Secretary of Finance of the State of Bahia (SEFAZ-BA) and ETCO deliver the source codes and technical documentation of the NF-e BI System, or Business Intelligence System based on Electronic Invoices, to other States.
Underground Economy Index: ETCO and IBRE/FGV announce a new round of the IES, which once again shows a decline in the informal economy in the country.
Book Corruption, Ethics and Economy: The publication brings together 33 texts produced by members of the ETCO Advisory Board between 2006 and 2011 on the importance of ethics for economic development.
Seminar The Impact of Corruption on Development: Held in partnership with the newspaper Valor Econômico, the event on the damage that corruption causes to the country brings together important names such as the chief minister of the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU), Jorge Hage, the former minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), Ellen Gracie Northfleet; the vice president of the World Bank, Otaviano Canuto, and the director of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Rolf Alter.
New adhesions to the Free City of Piracy program: Osasco, Rio de Janeiro and Vitória become part of the Free City of Piracy program, an initiative of the National Council for Combating Piracy and Crimes against Intellectual Property coordinated by ETCO. They join Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, São Paulo and Brasília.
II National Award for Combating Piracy: In its second edition, four initiatives receive the award created by CNPC and supported by ETCO: an ICDE project against fraud in the wine sector, Amcham's Escola Legal project, CDL Salvador's Operation Integrated Legal Trade, and Pirate campaign: I'm out, from Sindireceita.
Manifestation of the Recipient in the NF-e: ETCO supports the tax authorities in the creation of the electronic Invoice Recipient's Manifest project, which prevents fraudulent transactions in the movement of goods, such as remittances to recipients other than those indicated in the tax documentation or to phantom or irregular companies.
10+10 Debate Cycle: In celebration of its ten years of operation, ETCO holds a cycle of debates in three capitals of the country: Rio de Janeiro, Brasília and São Paulo. The events brought together business leaders, authorities from the three branches of government, journalists, intellectuals and others interested in the topic of competition ethics. On stage, presentations and debates dealt with the country's advances in the last ten years, many of them with the participation of the Institute, and the challenges for the next decade.
ETCO Journalism Award: In the midst of celebrating its tenth anniversary, the Institute promotes the ETCO Journalism Award, to recognize reports produced in 2013 that contribute to business ethics, in the TV, radio, newspaper, magazine and internet categories. The Grand Prize was awarded to the report A Cara da Corrupção, produced by journalists Eduardo Faustini and André Luiz Azevedo, for Fantástico, on Globo.
Book on Corruption: ETCO launches the book Corruption – Entrave ao Desenvolvimento do Brasil, written by journalist Oscar Pilagallo based on lectures at the seminar The Impact of Corruption on Development, held a year earlier by the Institute and by the newspaper Valor Econômico.
Free City of Piracy Program gains four more members: The project of the National Council for Combating Piracy and Crimes against Intellectual Property, managed by ETCO, now includes the municipalities of Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, São Paulo and Brasília.
Underground Economy Index: Again, the survey by ETCO and IBRE/FGV shows a drop in informality in the country.
Seminar on the new anti-corruption law: As a result of the gigantic popular demonstrations of the previous year, the National Congress passed Law 12.846, which became known as the New Anti-Corruption Law. To help spread the word, ETCO teamed up with Valor Econômico newspaper to hold the seminar The New Anti-Corruption Law and its Impact on Companies, in São Paulo.
Free City of Piracy gains new members: Fortaleza and Natal adhere to the CNCP project managed by ETCO, which now totals 13 municipalities.
Manifest in Defense of the Legal Market: ETCO joins the National Forum Against Piracy and Illegality (FNCP) and 18 other entities in the productive sector in the preparation of a Manifesto in Defense of the Legal Market.
Competition Ethics Book Reflection, Analysis and Perspectives: Work edited by ETCO and Editora Elsevier provides a synthesis of the ETCO 10+10 Debate Cycle, held in 2013, in celebration of the Institute's tenth anniversary.
Underground Economy reduces rate of fall: After ten years of decline, the Underground Economy Index, calculated by the IBRE/FGV for the ETCO, has practically stabilized, decreasing by just 0,1 percentage point.
Smuggling in Brazil Forum: ETCO and the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper join forces to organize the O Contrabando no Brasil forum, which brings together prominent names such as the then Minister of Justice, José Eduardo Cardoso, senator José Serra, federal deputy Efraim Morais Filho and the jurist Ives Gandra Martins, to debate causes, consequences and solutions for smuggling.
Datafolha research on smuggling: The Institute hires Datafolha to research what the Brazilian population thinks about smuggling. Study gains great space in the press, with articles published in 361 media outlets across the country.
Smuggling in Brazil Seminar: Impacts and Solutions: Event held in Brasília, in partnership with Correio Braziliense, brings together authorities from the three branches of government to debate instruments to combat smuggling in the country.
Seminar The Debtor and Competitive Ethics: In partnership with the newspaper Valor Econômico, ETCO promotes an event to debate the harm caused to the country and to the competitive environment by companies that are structured not to pay taxes.
Book The Siege of Corruptors: Work written by journalist Oscar Pilagallo summarizes and analyzes the presentations and debates at the seminar The New Anti-Corruption Law and its Impact on Companies, held the year before by ETCO and by Valor Econômico newspaper.
Underground Economy grows again: After ten years in decline, the Underground Economy Index, calculated for the ETCO by IBRE/FGV, is growing again, as a result of the economic crisis that the country is going through.
Participation in the Pro-Ethics Award: ETCO becomes part of the management committee of the Pro-Ethics Award, created in partnership by the Ministry of Transparency, Inspection and General Comptroller of the Union (CGU) and the Ethos Institute.
New Datafolha research on smuggling: ETCO against a new survey by Datafolha on the population's perception of smuggling. The study guides the actions of the Institute and other bodies involved in the fight against the illegal market, in addition to highlighting the topic in the media.
Anti-Smuggling Forum: ETCO joins FNCP and the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo in organizing an event on the damage caused by the illegal market to the business environment and the country – and the ways to fight it.
Latin American Anti-Smuggling Alliance: Government agencies and civil society entities from 15 nations in the region join together to form the ALAC (Latin American Anti-Smuggling Alliance). The aim is to formulate joint solutions to tackle the cross-border problem. ETCO is part of the group.
Tax Burden Seminar in Brazil: The event, held in partnership with the Correio Braziliense newspaper, brings together authorities to debate changes in the tax system to fight the illegal market and promote economic growth.
New increase in the informal economy: Once again, the ETCO-IBRE/FGV Underground Economy Index points to an increase in informality, a trend that will be repeated over the next three years.
Support for a bill against persistent debtor: Senator Ana Amélia Lemos (PP-RS) presents PLS 284/17, to regulate Article 146-A of the Federal Constitution. Supported by ETCO, the bill protects the rights of tax debtors in good faith and authorizes the adoption of tougher instruments for persistent debtors.
Research and educational project on Ethics for young people: At the request of ETCO, Datafolha performs research on what young Brazilians think of ethics. Based on the results, the Institute hires a specialized consultant to create lesson plans to help teachers deal with the topic in the classroom, available on the website
The Brazil that We Want Campaign: The Movement in Defense of the Brazilian Legal Market, coordinated by ETCO and FNCP, launches a big national campaign to make the population aware of the harm caused by illicit trade. Among the actions, a dust jacket of the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper, an art exhibition in Brasília and a seminar in partnership with Correio Braziliense on the subject stand out.
Legality Movement: ETCO, FNCP and the National Front of Mayors launch the Legality Movement, aimed at city halls committed to combating illegal practices such as smuggling and piracy, which seeks to integrate their actions with those of state and federal bodies. São Paulo, Recife, Campinas and Porto Alegre are the first to join.
International performance: The Institute takes the agenda of combating the transnational illicit market to the XI Conference of the World Trade Organization, in Buenos Aires. It also participates in the II Meeting, in Chile, and the III Meeting, in Guatemala, of the Latin American Anti-Smuggling Alliance; and makes a presentation at the OECD's Task Force Ilicit Trade on combating the illegal market in Brazil.
Taxation and Economic Development Seminar: The event, held in partnership with the Correio Braziliense newspaper, brings together authorities and specialists to debate the distortions in the Brazilian tax system that hamper economic growth.
Seminar on Security and Development: Held in partnership with Folha de S.Paulo, the event brings together authorities and specialists to debate the relationship between the illegal market and urban violence.
New Datafolha research on smuggling: To once again examine what Brazilians think about smuggling and rekindle press interest, the Institute sponsors a new survey by Datafolha on the subject.
Fight Against Illegality Forum: ETCO and Exame magazine are joining forces to organize an event to debate the impacts of smuggling, counterfeiting and piracy on companies and the Brazilian economy.
ALAC Meeting Co-chair: The president of ETCO becomes co-chair pro tempore of the IV Meeting of the Latin American Anti-Smuggling Alliance (ALAC) held in Brasilia. The event brings together representatives from fifteen countries in Latin America and the highest authorities of the Brazilian government.
10 Measures against the Illegal Market: ETCO contracts the Center for Economic and Social Law Studies (Cedes) to analyze the weaknesses of current mechanisms and propose 10 Measures Against the Illegal Market in the political, legal, legal, tax, police, social and economic spheres. The work is presented at a seminar at the Institute and at the Correio Braziliense newspaper.
Taxation and Legal Security Seminar: The Institute brings together some of the most important tax experts in the country to debate the causes and point out solutions for the legal uncertainty in the tax field.
Taxation Seminar in Brazil: Amid the progress of discussions on tax reform in the National Congress, ETCO joins the newspaper Valor Econômico in holding a seminar on the subject. Event brings together tax experts, economists, politicians and government and business sector representatives.
Study on tax litigation: ETCO contracts EY (Ernst & Young) to carry out the most complete study in the country on the evolution of federal tax litigation. Presented at a seminar followed by a debate with specialists, the work shows that the volume of taxes under discussion in the administrative and judicial spheres is equivalent to more than half of the Brazilian GDP.
Project #Within the Law: In partnership with Gazeta do Povo newspaper, from Paraná, the Institute carries out a project to promote the legal market and combat practices such as smuggling, piracy and counterfeiting of products. Named #Dentro da Lei, it includes, over eight months, forums, special interviews and in-depth reports on the subject.
Greater international presence: ETCO participates in three important international forums on combating smuggling, piracy and counterfeiting: the 13th Parliamentary Forum on Intelligence and Security, in Paraguay; the V ALAC Meeting in Costa Rica; and the meeting of the Task Force to Combat the Illicit Market of the OECD, in France.
5th year of growth in the informal market: The ETCO-IBRE/FGV survey shows a new increase in the Underground Economy Index (IES), which now reaches the equivalent of 17,3% of GDP.
Special magazine on tax litigation: After contracting EY to produce the largest study ever carried out in the country on the situation of federal tax litigation, the Institute decides to listen to 27 leading experts on the subject. Their contributions on the causes and solutions to the problem are gathered in a special edition of the ETCO Magazine, with 80 pages – the largest ever produced by the Institute.
Partnership with the Jota portal: The Institute sponsors a project for the Jota portal, which includes the holding of the Tax Litigation seminar: How to Value the Relationship with Good Taxpayers and Fight Overdue Debtors and the creation of a channel for news and articles on the same topic.
Ministry of Infrastructure anti-corruption project: ETCO, which already participates in Pró-Ética, a project that rewards good corruption prevention programs in companies coordinated by the Federal Comptroller General (CGU), accepts the invitation to join the management committee of another federal government anti-corruption project: the Infra + Integrity Seal, headed by the Ministry of Infrastructure.
Underground economy in pandemic year: After five consecutive years of increase, the ETCO-IBRE/FGV survey shows a reduction in the Underground Economy Index. Unfortunately, the cause is not the strengthening of the economy, but the closing of trade, social isolation and emergency relief.
Participation in virtual events: In the first year of the pandemic, ETCO participated in several virtual events related to strengthening the business environment and defending competitive ethics. Among them, a virtual debate on the Challenges of Tax Litigation promoted by the Brazilian Association of Tax Law (ABRADT); the 40th edition of the International Congress of the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI); webinar on illegal market promoted by OAB-RJ; webinar on good practices in e-commerce promoted by OAB-SP; and the webinar O Combate à Pirataria no Brasil, by the law firm Pires & Gonçalves.
Cooperation with States: ETCO and the Legal Combustible Institute are teaming up in a project to provide technical support to state security forces that work to combat the illegal market.
Campaign against smuggling: The Institute participates in the idealization of the campaign Smuggling Steals the Future from Brazilians, launched by the National Forum against Piracy and Illegality (FNCP), to which it is associated...
Articles about ethics at Exame: ETCO's Executive President, Edson Vismona, becomes a columnist for the Exame website, writing articles to defend business ethics.
Right of good taxpayers: ETCO initiates a project to defend the rights of good taxpayers, who, as if not quite unfair competition from persistent debtors, have been suffering from the tax authorities' discretion. One of the project's initiatives is the webinar O Desafio dos Contributors in guaranteeing their rights, held in partnership with Jota.
World event about cities: ETCO participates in the Smart City – Expo World Congress, in Barcelona, an event on technological advances in cities that brings together experts from around the world, with the presentation of the theme Safe and Ethical Cities, on the need for terms in cities to strengthen the participation of citizens. citizens, the defense of legality and the constant encouragement of coexistence and social inclusion.