- CAPA: Senator Ana Amélia Lemos (PP-RS) talks about the Bill of her authorship that regulates Article 146-A of the Constitution, allowing a more rigorous fight against competitive imbalances that involve undue tax advantages
- LEGALITY MOVEMENT: Mayor João Doria sets an example of rigor in combating trade in pirated, counterfeit and smuggled products by joining a project that unites the City, State and Union in the fight against the illegal market
- CONTRABANDO: Research shows how the difference between the tax burden of a product in Brazil and Paraguay is a decisive factor in stimulating contraband. In the computer sector, a fall in the tax brought down smuggling; in the case of cigarettes, the opposite movement occurred
- UNDERGROUND ECONOMY: New research by ETCO and IBRE / FGV shows that informal activities remain at the same level as last year, after growing for two years in a row. The expectation is that informality will fall again in 2018
- TAXATION: ETCO is against the creation of a tax on juices, soft drinks and soft drinks sweetened with sugar. Proposal that claims to combat obesity aims to simplistically address a complex and multifactorial problem, has no scientific basis and favors the illegal market
- OPINION: Everardo Maciel, president of the ETCO Advisory Council and former secretary of the Federal Revenue Service, talks about the illusion of overly ambitious tax reform
- ARTICLE: João Grandino Rodas, ETCO advisor.