Actions to strengthen the business environment
The tools of virtual communication have been very useful to maintain debates in times of pandemic and the need for social distance. Since last year, we have held numerous meetings and participated in internet seminars on topics related to strengthening the business environment and competitive ethics. This edition presents a summary of the content of some of these events.
Two of them brought together experts to address the unsustainable level of tax litigation seen in Brazil in recent years. One was carried out by the legal website Jota, sponsored by ETCO, and the other by the Brazilian Association of Tax Law (Abradt). Big names in the academic, legal, political and federal public administration fields discussed ways to improve the relationship between the tax authorities and taxpayers and thus reduce litigation that harms everyone.
We also deal with the agreement that the Federal Revenue Service and the National Council of Justice (CNJ) recently signed to make an in-depth study and present, within two years, a proposal for changes in the tax process, with the objective of preventing and accelerating the resolution litigation.
Another theme addressed in different reports is the fight against the persistent tax debtor. One of them shows the strengths and differences between the two bills that seek to provide the tax authorities with appropriate weapons to face this perverse and predatory form of tax evasion, both awaiting a vote in Congress.
As for the Tax Reform, in this edition we present the positioning of ETCO, the result of countless debates held by members and with society in recent years. The document contains the principles that, in our view, should guide the Reform, regardless of the project that Congress decides to carry out, in addition to a series of technical recommendations that we consider fundamental to guarantee legal security and competitive ethics.
In another report, we show the work of Instituto Combustível Legal, an ETCO associate that works to combat the various frauds practiced in the fuel distribution and resale segment in the country.
Regarding deviations in the tobacco segment, we highlight the documentary mini-series that investigated cigarette smuggling from Paraguay, which already dominates more than half of the Brazilian market.
The edition also deals with two programs for the prevention of corruption by enhancing the value of compliance in the companies and also brings some reflections presented by the ex-minister of Finance Pedro Malan, who was the special guest of the most recent meeting of our Advisory Council. Having the intelligence, knowledge and experience of those who commanded the country's economy for eight years was a huge privilege that we share here with our readers.
Good reading.