Business Ethics

CGU and Sebrae launch integrity booklet for micro and small entrepreneurs

The secretary of Transparency and Prevention of Corruption of the Office of the Comptroller General, Patrícia Audi, participated this Tuesday morning (17) at the opening table of the Fomenta Nacional, the largest event in the country directed to small businesses that participate or wish to participate in public bids. At the event, the secretary announced the launch of the booklet “Integrity for Small Business”, One of the products of the important partnership signed between CGU and Sebrae with the objective of bringing the topic of business integrity to Brazilian micro and small companies.

The secretary highlighted the importance of continuing the work carried out with Sebrae. "This booklet is the first step in a long journey to raise awareness of the strength that small businesses have to end corruption," he declared. The booklet aims to guide the small entrepreneur as to the importance of integrity in business relations, in addition to presenting suggestions for measures that can be adopted to structure a program. "The idea is to make micro and small business owners realize that investing in integrity is a good business, which can be done at low cost and without causing major changes in their daily lives," said the secretary.


Source: CGU (17/11)