
Ministry of Transparency discloses companies approved in Pró-Ética 2016

pro-ethica-225 companies were recognized as integral to the relationship between public and private sectors

Ministry of Transparency, Inspection and Controllership-General of the Union (CGU) released, this Wednesday (16), the list of the 25 companies approved in the 2016 edition of Pro-Ethics. The companies were recognized, by relevant government and civil society bodies, as integral and ethical in their relations between the public and private sectors. The announcement was made during the 3th Clean Company Law Conference.

The winners this year are: ABB Ltda., 3M do Brasil, Alphatec SA, Banco do Brasil, Banco Santander Brasil, Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE), Chiesi Farmacêutica Ltda., Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN), Dudalina SA, Duratex SA, EDP Energias do Brasil, Elektro Redes SA, Enel Brasil SA, Granbio Investimentos SA, ICTS Global, Itaú Unibanco, JLL - Jones Lang LaSalle, Microsoft Informática Ltda., Natura Cosméticos SA, Neoenergia SA, Nova / SB Comunicação Ltda. , Radix Engineering and Software Development SA, Serasa Experian, Siemens Ltda. and Tecnew Informática.

Pró-Ética, a pioneering initiative in Latin America, was created in 2010 by the Ministry of Transparency in partnership with the Ethos Institute. The objective is to encourage corporations to adopt the policies and actions necessary to create a healthy environment, which reduces the risks of fraud and corruption.

Source: Ministry of Transparency

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Ministry of Transparency, Inspection and Control maintains functions of the former CGU

Minister Fabiano Silveira introduced himself to the agency's employees and reinforced the opening of a permanent Ascom / MTFC dialogue channel
Minister Fabiano Silveira introduced himself to the agency's employees and reinforced the opening of a permanent dialogue channel
Ascom / MTFC

According to the minister of the new portfolio, status guarantees greater visibility to the agency


The Comptroller General of the Union (CGU) officially became, last Thursday (12), the Ministry of Transparency, Inspection and Control (MTFC), through the726 Provisional Measure, edited by the acting President of the Republic, Michel Temer. The change in the organ's nomenclature, however, does not change its functions.

The minister of the new portfolio, Fabiano Silveira, explains that the name change was intended to give the agency even more prestige. “Our efforts continue to be joint to emphasize measures to combat corruption. This is a right for Brazilian citizens, ”said Fabiano. "Transforming the CGU into a ministry is a way of giving greater visibility to what has already become an organ in which society fully trusts and that is why we will maintain all the functions of the Controllership," explained the minister.

Created on May 28, 2003, with the publication of Law No. 10.683, the then CGU was the body in charge of assisting the President of the Republic directly and immediately in the performance of his duties in matters relating to the defense of public property and the increase of management transparency, within the scope of the Executive Branch, through the activities of internal control, public audit, correction, prevention and fight against corruption, and ombudsman. In 2003, the CGU's creation law incorporated the functions of the then Federal Internal Affairs Office - established in 2001 by Provisional Measure No. 2.143-31 - into the body's structure, which had the purpose of combating, within the scope of the Federal Executive Branch, fraud and corruption and promote the defense of public assets.

The Ministry of Transparency, Inspection and Control remains as the central body of the Internal Control System and the Correction System, both of which are the Federal Executive Branch and maintain all activities related to the defense of public assets and to the increase of management transparency, through the internal control, public audit, correction, prevention and fight against corruption, and ombudsman activities.

Source: CGU (17/05)

Ministry replacing CGU plans text of interim measure that pleases control bodies over agreements with investigated companies

The Michel Temer government plans to draw up a new provisional measure to discipline leniency agreements with companies involved in corruption cases, including contractors investigated in Operation Lava Jato. This will be one of the tasks of the new Ministry of Inspection, Transparency and Control, led by Minister Fabiano Silveira, 41. The new text will be produced under the supervision of the Casa Civil, headed by Minister Eliseu Padilha. The main objective is to seek consensus on the topic. So far, this has not been possible due to differences between the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) and the defunct Comptroller General of the Union (CGU) - which, under the Temer government, was renamed the Ministry of Transparency.

Source: O Estado de São Paulo newspaper (14/05)

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INTEGRITY: a great deal for your company



Pro-Ethics it results from the combination of efforts between the public and private sectors to promote a more wholesome, ethical and transparent corporate environment in the country. The initiative consists of encouraging voluntary adoption of integrity measures by companies, through public recognition of those that, regardless of size and industry, are truly committed to preventing and combating corruption and other types of fraud. .

After undergoing a restructuring process during 2014, Pró-Ética returned, in 2015, with a new format, adapted to the changes that occurred with the approval of Law No. 12.846 / 2013, also known as the Anti-Corruption Law. 

Among the main changes, we highlight the new evaluation methodology and the new form of disclosure of companies that are positively evaluated by the Management Committee. 

Now the evaluation is annual and begins with a previous profile analysis of each company, followed by a questionnaire with open questions. This innovation allows a more qualitative examination of the integrity programs, as they are evaluated according to the specifics of the company, based on the assumption that an effective program must be developed to meet them.

The form of disclosure was also modified, and it started to be made through the publication of an annual list of companies approved by the Management Committee that year. Every year, an event is held to announce the list and deliver the Pró-Ética brand to approved companies.

It is also intended to disseminate the best integrity practices presented during the year, which expands the possibility of sharing good ideas and projects for companies that wish to create or improve their integrity programs and, at the same time, reinforces visibility in around Pro-Ethics companies.

Another highlight in the new Pro-Ética structure is that all companies that participate in the assessment will receive a report with a detailed analysis of their integrity measures. Thus, even that company that is not yet able to be included in Pró-Ética's annual list can take advantage of participation in this initiative to improve its integrity program in accordance with the assessment received and the best practices that will be disclosed.

Pro-Ethics Objectives 

  • Recognize good practices for promoting integrity and preventing corruption in companies that voluntarily adopt the desired and necessary measures to create a more integrity, ethical and transparent environment in the private sector and in its relations with the public sector;
  • Make companies aware of their relevant role in tackling corruption by taking an affirmative stand for preventing and combating illegal and unethical practices and in defense of socially responsible relationships;
  • Encourage, within the private sector, the implementation of measures to promote ethics and integrity and against corruption; and
  • Reduce the risks of fraud and corruption in relations between the public and private sectors.


Source: CGU

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Conference rewards companies approved in Pró-Ética 2015 and debates Anti-Corruption Law

CGU event was supported by ETCO and discussed topics such as compliance and business integrity

Valdir Simão, Minister of CGU: companies with good compliance will take the lead
Valdir Simão, Minister of CGU: “companies with good compliance will take the lead”
Evandro Guimarães, president of ETCO, spoke about the country's moment and the valorization of integrity programs
Evandro Guimarães, president of ETCO, spoke about the country's moment and the valorization of integrity programs

The Comptroller-General of the Union (CGU), with support from the ETCO-Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition, held, on November 9, in Rio, the 2nd Clean Company Law Conference. The event discussed issues related to the Anti-Corruption Law (Law 12.846 / 2013) and also awarded companies approved in Pró-Ética 2015, an initiative of CGU and the Ethos Institute that recognizes organizations committed to integrity, transparency, prevention and combat the corruption.

ETCO President Evandro Guimarães spoke at the opening of the event about the moment that Brazil is living in relation to corruption and the appreciation of integrity programs. He also participated in the award ceremony to companies approved by Pró-Ética.  

Minister Valdir Simão, from the Comptroller General of the Union, also highlighted these points. “The new law is strict. Companies can be punished with a fine that goes up to 20% of their revenue ”, he recalled. According to him, the adoption of integrity mechanisms will be a competitive advantage in the very near future. "Companies that are prepared for this new environment will certainly take the lead," he said.

For Marina Ferro, project coordinator at Instituto Ethos, “today, a company that uses ethics as a market differential is seen prominently before its customers and even competitors”. According to her, "this is a new reality that actions such as Pro-Ética strengthen and encourage".

Patricia Audi, CGU's secretary for Transparency and Corruption Prevention, emphasized that acts of corruption go beyond well-known bribes to employees of public or private companies; fraud and irregularities in public contracts are also considered forms of corruption.


Check the list of companies approved by Pró-Ética

· AES Eletropaulo
· South AES
· AES Tietê
· AES Uruguaiana
· Electricity Trading Chamber (CCEE)
· Santa Catarina Power Plants (CELESC)
· Dudalina
· Duratex
· EDP Energias do Brasil
· Elektro Electricity and Services
Ernst & Young
· GranBio
· Osram do Brasil Electric Lamps
Santander Brasil
· Siemens
· SNC-Lavalin Environment
3M from Brazil


Meet the companies approved for the Pro Ética

The Federal Comptroller General (CGU) discloses the companies approved for Pró-Ética 2015, recognizing and encouraging entities committed to integrity, transparency, prevention and the fight against corruption in the corporate environment.

There are 19 companies from the most diverse branches, such as energy, finance, technology, among others. Check the list of companies on the ToU



Source: CGU (9/11)

CGU and Sebrae launch integrity booklet for micro and small entrepreneurs

The secretary of Transparency and Prevention of Corruption of the Office of the Comptroller General, Patrícia Audi, participated this Tuesday morning (17) at the opening table of the Fomenta Nacional, the largest event in the country directed to small businesses that participate or wish to participate in public bids. At the event, the secretary announced the launch of the booklet “Integrity for Small Business”, One of the products of the important partnership signed between CGU and Sebrae with the objective of bringing the topic of business integrity to Brazilian micro and small companies.

The secretary highlighted the importance of continuing the work carried out with Sebrae. "This booklet is the first step in a long journey to raise awareness of the strength that small businesses have to end corruption," he declared. The booklet aims to guide the small entrepreneur as to the importance of integrity in business relations, in addition to presenting suggestions for measures that can be adopted to structure a program. "The idea is to make micro and small business owners realize that investing in integrity is a good business, which can be done at low cost and without causing major changes in their daily lives," said the secretary.


Source: CGU (17/11)