ETCO Informs

Cuiabá joins the Free City Piracy Program

Capital of Mato Grosso became the 10th Brazilian municipality to join the Ministry of Justice program, under the management of ETCO. Goal is to reach all host cities of the 2014 World Cup

The City of Piracy Program, of the National Council for Combating Piracy and Intellectual Property Offenses of the Ministry of Justice (CNCP / MJ), won on September 25th the adhesion of the city of Cuiabá. With the arrival of the capital of Mato Grosso, the number of municipalities that adopt the program reaches ten, whose objective is to municipalize the fight against illegal trade.

The Program is managed by ETCO and started in 2010. In Cuiabá, the cooperation agreement was signed by Mayor Mauro Mendes Ferreira, at an event attended by the Executive Secretary of the CNCP, Rodolfo Tamanaha, and other government secretaries.

“These activities cause enormous damage to public coffers and citizens. If we do not fight those who persist in illegal practice, we are encouraging the non-payment of important taxes for public investments, ”said the mayor of Cuiabá during the ceremony.

The Executive Secretary of the CNCP, Rodolfo Tamanaha, praised the initiative of the City of Cuiabá in seeking a new tool to combat illegal practice. "It is another instrument that will be available to Cuiabá to meet the demand of tourists and companies that are investing in the city, one of the headquarters of the 2014 World Cup."

Already implemented in São Paulo, Curitiba, Brasília, Belo Horizonte, Osasco, Rio de Janeiro, Vitória, Salvador and recently in Manaus, the program aims to allow cities to actively take on the fight against piracy, developing actions in conjunction with municipal, state institutions and federal, as well as representatives of civil society.

As a program manager, ETCO's goal is to expand adherence to the Program from the country's main municipalities. This year, the priority is the host cities for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil, as is the case in Cuiabá, which will have four first phase matches played at Arena Pantanal.

Interview with Heloísa Ribeiro: Free City of Piracy

Interview broadcast by Rádio Justiça, from the Federal Superior Court of Brasília, with ETCO Executive Director, Heloísa Ribeiro.

The topic of the conversation was piracy and digital law, with a focus on the Cidade Livre da Pirataria program.

Listen and interview here:
[audio: https: //] Download the audio file here (mp3)

Interview Free City of Piracy Cuiabá

19/09/2012 - Record, Cuiabá - The cities that will host the World Cup games joined the Free City of Piracy program. Interview with Heloisa Ribeiro, Executive Director of ETCO.

[iframe width = ”600 ″ height =” 490 ″ src = ” ″ frameborder =” 0 ″ allowfullscreen]


Konsulta'm: Midday Newspaper. Duration: 03: 23.

Rio de Janeiro joins the Free City of Piracy program

From left to right: Paulo Abrão, Alexander da Costa, Roberto Abdenur and Henrique de Castro - commander of the Municipal Guard

In a ceremony held at the headquarters of the Municipal Guard of Rio de Janeiro, on April 4, the president of the National Council to Combat Piracy (CNCP), Paulo Abrão, and the special secretary of Public Order, Alexander Vieira da Costa, signed the agreement that includes Rio de Janeiro at Cidade Livre de Pirataria. Today, the program includes São Paulo, Curitiba, Distrito Federal, Belo Horizonte and Osasco.

The CNCP president highlighted the importance of the city for the expansion of the program. “For us, Rio de Janeiro is a priority due to the volume of visitors and the demand for Brazilian products. We want to defend our original products and decrease informal trade. The image of the country to the world is at stake ”, said Abrão.

The special secretary of Public Order, Alex Costa, said that the partnership with the Ministry of Justice will be an important contribution to the actions to curb the irregular street commerce that the Special Secretariat of Public Order (Seop) has carried out since its creation, in January 2009 .

“The agreement with the federal government is extremely beneficial, as it reinforces the position of the Rio city hall, through the Special Secretariat for Public Order, in repressing the sale of products without origin,” said Alex Costa.

ETCO President Roberto Abdenur reaffirmed the position of the city of Rio de Janeiro on the world stage by citing a fact from the time that he was Brazil's ambassador to Germany. "A survey carried out in Germany asked local citizens what was the first memory they had when the name of Brazil was mentioned: 65% of respondents answered that it was Rio de Janeiro," said Abdenur.

Since 2010, 23 cigarette packs, 6,5 media (CD, DVD, etc.) and 6 electronic devices, among other pirated products, have been seized by the Federal Highway Police in the State of Rio. Rua Uruguaiana, in the center of the capital, is one of the main points of apprehension.

Even before the signing of the agreement with the federal government, the Special Secretariat of Public Order of Rio de Janeiro carried out several actions to curb the performance of illegal street vendors and the sale of products without origin, seizing about 500 thousand pirated media in the city, among January 2009 and March 2012.

Osasco Free from Piracy

From left to right: Edson Vismona (FNCP), Roberto Abdenur (ETCO), Paulo Abrão (CNCP), Emidio de Souza (Mayor) and José Amando Mota (Secretary of Security)

Last Friday, March 9, the mayor of Osasco, Emídio de Souza, and the national secretary of Justice and president of the National Council to Combat Piracy and Crimes Against Intellectual Property (CNCP), Paulo Abrão Pires Júnior, signed agreement that includes the city in the Free City of Piracy program. With the objective of intensifying the fight against piracy and other crimes against intellectual property, the program, which is managed by ETCO, is already implemented in São Paulo, Curitiba, Distrito Federal and Belo Horizonte and is in an advanced stage of talks. with other capitals in the country.

According to Paulo Abrão, the partnership is an acknowledgment by the Ministry of Justice for conducting the city, in matters involving the fight against illegal trade. “I would like to make it clear that our project does not aim to criminalize the consumer. It is a work of awareness, showing mainly to people that piracy is linked to other types of crime, such as drug, arms and even human trafficking ”.

The mayor also highlighted the importance of the agreement for the city and its population. “I do not believe in a municipality, state or country that lives outside the law. Democracy requires that the field of legality be well demarcated, ”he said. After signing, the authorities went to the front of the Municipal Palace, where a steamroller passed over 280 pirated items, mostly CDs and DVDs that were seized in recent months. After being unusable, the products were sent to the city's recycling centers.

Increasingly, the program is consolidating itself as an example that the integration between the various instances of the municipal, state and federal powers linked to justice and security makes combating piracy and illegal trade, crimes deeply rooted in society and practiced mainly, more efficient. in major cities in the country.

In addition to Osasco, the Cidade Livre de Pirataria program has four other participating capitals - São Paulo, Curitiba, Distrito Federal and Belo Horizonte. “The expectation is to end 2012 with at least four other major cities, a number that may be even greater, considering that this program should involve all the cities that will host the World Cup,” explains Roberto Abdenur, ETCO's chief executive. , whose main mission in the dissemination of the program is as manager appointed by CNCP.

Cidade Piração Livre Program: growth expectation

With the entry of new cities and the expansion of work in the municipalities already participating, the CNCP's Cidade Livre de Piratária Program strengthens its role in combating illegal trade in the country. With four participating capitals - São Paulo, Curitiba, Distrito Federal and Belo Horizonte - the expectation is to end 2012 with at least four other major cities in the country, a number that may be even greater, considering that this program should involve all the cities that will host the World Cup.

The year 2011 represented a major step forward in the consolidation of the Free City of Piracy Program, created by the National Council to Combat Piracy and Intellectual Property Offenses (CNCP) with the objective of intensifying the fight against piracy and other crimes against intellectual property. . The program, which is already implemented in São Paulo, Curitiba, Distrito Federal and Belo Horizonte, is managed by ETCO, which is in an advanced stage of talks with other capitals in the country.

The excellent results obtained by the countless operations carried out in the city of São Paulo, the first to join the program, demonstrate that the idea of ​​uniting the efforts of public institutions at the municipal, state and federal levels - which is at the heart of the program - is a of the most efficient ways to combat illegal trade.

From December 2010 until now, operations to combat illegal trade carried out by the São Paulo Security Office's Committee to Combat Piracy, Smuggling and Evasion have already resulted in the seizure of 36 million products, valued at 1,9 billion of reais. “To get an idea, with that amount it would be possible to build 200 municipal daycare centers in the city”, comments Edsom Ortega, secretary of the Security Office.

For Roberto Abdenur, chief executive of ETCO, “the pioneering spirit of São Paulo, the largest capital in the country, is undoubtedly an example and a stimulus for the intensification of actions in the participating cities and for the adhesion of more cities to the program ”.

An example that reached the capital of Minas Gerais. With the adhesion of the city of Belo Horizonte, in September 2011, the program obtained an important reinforcement. According to Mayor Marcio Lacerda, “Brazil needs to eliminate piracy, a crime that inhibits foreign investments in the country. In addition, combating this type of crime and other illegal activities needs cooperation between the Federal Government and governments states, city halls and society ”.

"We are very confident in the evolution of the program for the year 2012, because, in addition to Belo Horizonte's membership, we have practically already agreed on the tickets for three more important cities, which should be announced very soon", concludes Roberto Abdenur.

Security Office meets with tenants from six shopping malls that are being monitored

Source: São Paulo City Hall - 22/07/2011

The Municipal Secretary of Urban Security and Coordinator of the Security Office, Edsom Ortega, Secretary Natanael Miranda, of the Micro Entrepreneur and other members of the Security Office met this Thursday afternoon (21/07), at the headquarters of the Commercial Association of São Paulo, with tenants, owners / controllers and administrators of the six shopping malls in the region of 25 de Março and Avenida Paulista that are being monitored in Operation to Combat Piracy, Tax Evasion and Smuggling: March 25, (I and II ), Korai, Oriental World, Mounti Mare and Palmplona. The objective was to inform them of the integrated verification and inspection work and also of the importance of tenants in regularizing themselves and not selling illegal products in order not to jeopardize those who are within the law, with the partial or total closure of the malls.

Shopkeepers, administrators and lawyers had the opportunity to request clarification on how to proceed so that the illegal ones do not continue selling illicit products, on interpreting aspects of legislation and competences, on the risks they run if they commit such crimes again, as well as on improving operations .

Secretary Edsom Ortega stressed that the public administration is open to dialogue to advise on how to proceed in order to eliminate the practice of such crimes and for traders to act legally. In previous meetings, the review of the malls' internal regulations was discussed in order to ensure that merchants who sell illegal products, have their doors closed immediately by the Receiver and condominium employees, which should also be provided for in the lease agreements. This measure will protect lawful traders. Until this procedure is adjusted, the orientation is that the stores, which are not in order, remain closed so as not to harm the other tenants and selling legalized products.

Shopping malls continue to be monitored by the bodies of the Security Office, at the same time that administrators and controllers are taking steps to agree on the adjustments. Secretary Ortega warned of the risks of closing the establishments, although it is not the administration's wish, should they sell counterfeit or contraband products again.

The Municipal Secretary of the Individual Microentrepreneur, Natanael Miranda dos Anjos, present at the meeting, spoke of the importance of combating illegal traders to protect workers who are legal. “Illegals sell products with less value, which characterizes unfair competition with others. This also shakes the image of shopping malls. Our intention is that all establishments in São Paulo are of a high level and sell quality products, so that the city becomes a showcase for the country ”.

Authorities debate fight against piracy and smuggling in the Federal Police

Seminar combating piracy and evasion took place this Thursday (30/06), at the Federal Police Superintendence in São Paulo

The event, organized by the Ministry of Justice and the City of São Paulo, brought together authorities from the Ministry of Justice, Secretaries of Public Security, Urban Security, Public Ministry, Civil Police, Military Police, Metropolitan Civil Guard, Subprefectures, National Forum to Combat Piracy, Brand Protection Entities (BPG), National Forum against Piracy (FNCP) and Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition (ETCO), among others.

The board was composed by Dr. Ana Lúcia Soares Executive Secretary of the National Council for Combating Piracy (CNCP) of the Ministry of Justice; Edsom Ortega, Municipal Secretary for Urban Security and Executive Secretary of GGI-M; delegate Inacy Grelhana, from the Federal Police; Dr. Ândrea Cristina Pimentel, representing the Secretary for Public Security; Ambassador Roberto Abdenur, president of ETCO; Edson Vismona, president of the National Forum to Combat Piracy.

During the opening of the event, Secretary Edsom Ortega gave an account of the 16 integrated operations to combat piracy, which began in the city of São Paulo in December last year and of the six that are underway in the Pamplona, ​​Monti Mare, Mundo Oriental shopping centers , March 25, Senador Queirós and Feira da Madrugada. “These establishments are undergoing rigorous inspection in all their stores and documentation, and operating licenses may be revoked and activities closed. On the other hand, establishments that do not have licenses may be definitively prevented from re-operating, if it is proven that smuggled, pirated and doubtful products are commercialized. They will work again if they demonstrate concrete measures to prevent such crimes ”, said the Secretary. This decision by the Security Office is part of the expansion of the rigor in combating these crimes and the penal framework of those responsible for such practices.

The Secretary highlighted serious aspects during the operations: intimidation, threats and attempted solicitation in relation to the agents. "Do not accept intimidation, we are acting based on the law". He also mentioned the balance of seizures, which from December 2010 until now is 25 million items, in the estimated amount of R $ 1,2 billion. The goods are stored in City Hall, Police and Federal Revenue warehouses and inquiries and investigations are being processed by the Civil Police, the Federal Revenue Service and other bodies as required.

Dr. Ana Lucia explained about other crimes that existed behind the trade in counterfeit products, such as the exploitation of slave labor, in addition to human trafficking. She also stressed the importance of integrated actions and praised everyone's work for the successful fight against piracy and smuggling.

The president of the National Forum to Combat Piracy, Edson Vismona, pointed out that the amount of products seized during operations to combat piracy is surprising and that the work of GCM and other partners is heroic. He highlighted the commercial interest behind the sale of illegal products and the drop in the collection of Municipal, State and Federal Public Authorities.

For Prosecutor Dr. Eliana Vendramim, from the State Prosecutor's Office - GAECO: Special Action Group to Combat Organized Crime, meetings like this are important to gather organizations against the crime of smuggling, embezzlement, among other things. “A crime that, in addition to causing harm to the country, with tax evasion, trafficking in human beings, as we found in shopping malls on March 25 - where several Chinese were trafficked to work as slaves, without any rights. The other problem is the cultural one. The culture of a people that buys products and has no idea, that is fueling organized crime ”. The prosecutor also congratulated the work of the Metropolitan Civil Guard on the task force.

At the Seminar, several experts and authorities explained and trained the more than 350 agents from GCM, the Subprefectures and the police present to identify counterfeits, software, brand watches, eyeglasses, cell phones, toys, sporting goods and bags. Luis Claudio Gare of BPG- Brand Protection Group, explained to those present, how to identify what is original and what is not and Flavio Augusto Nunes de Meirelles, from the Meirelles Institute for Intellectual Property Protection, an Association that brings together companies that manufacture and import eyeglasses celebrities revealed data from two surveys carried out by the entity with a vision specialist. According to him, 80% of the brands of sunglasses, sold in popular centers, therefore pirates, cause damage to the eyes, such as burning the pupil. Another study revealed that of the people who wear pirated glasses purchased with pre-established degrees, 70% had vision problems and warned: “anyone who wears glasses without consulting a specialist, in 10 years will have a cataract problem”.

At the end, those present received manuals with guidelines to identify non-original products and their various counterfeits. Everyone will be certified.