ETCO in the media

New Piracy Counselors set agenda for the year

The National Council for Combating Piracy and Intellectual Property Offenses (CNCP) met on Wednesday (27) to resume the work of the collegiate. 


The National Council for Combating Piracy and Intellectual Property Offenses (CNCP) met on Wednesday (27) to resume the work of the collegiate. Secretary Luciano Timm, who is in charge of the National Consumer Secretariat of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (Senacon), sworn in the new advisory and collaborating members of the Council for the 2019/2021 management, including government agencies and the private sector. , who directly suffer the impacts of piracy, smuggling and embezzlement.

On the occasion, a brief presentation was made of the work already carried out by the Special Commissions in progress, the issues involving technical contributions and suggestions from several members of the Council. There were still the approval of the Creation of the Special Cigarette Commission, which will have the rapporteurship divided among the Members: National Forum against Piracy and Illegality, represented by Edson Vismona, who is president of the Brazilian Institute of Ethical Competition - ETCO, and Newton Vieira, from Brand Protection Group. The Special Commissions in progress are: E-Commerce, Online Advertising and Payment Methods and Hardware.

The meeting allowed the exchange and exhibition of successful experiences, as well as the forwarding of concrete and strategic actions to combat piracy in the country and the discussion on the sale of products originating from crime on digital platforms. Edson Vismona presented the panorama of piracy in Brazil and the efforts aligned with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for actions within the scope of Mercosur and OECD.

CNCP's entry into the Collaborators Panel of the Secretariat of Integrated Operations of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security - SEOPI was announced, with the objective of assisting the approach with Public Security agents in the formatting of operations to combat piracy and crimes correlates. The Collaborative Panel also joins the Special Advisory on Legislative Affairs of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security - AEAL, aiming to assist in the follow-up of legislative proposals related to the themes of combating piracy and crimes against intellectual property.

In addition to the debates, the Council endorsed the dates for the 2019 regular meetings and some points for changing its bylaws. Another topic addressed was the calendar of the National Piracy Combat Award, scheduled for the second half of this year.

About the Council

CNCP is a collegiate and advisory body, part of the basic structure of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security. Its purpose is to prepare guidelines for the formulation and proposition of the National Plan to Combat Piracy, and the tax evasion resulting from it, in addition to crimes against intellectual property. It is composed of representatives from different public bodies and sectors of civil society.

Source: Ministry of Justice

E-commerce and major brands united in the fight against piracy

Brasilia, 27 / 4 / 18- The Ministry of Justice, through the National Council to Combat Piracy (CNCP), met for the first time in Brasília, last Tuesday (24/04), representatives of the main electronic commerce platforms in the country and the holders of big brands, which are the biggest victims of illegal internet commerce.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss mechanisms and measures to curb the sale of pirated products in the country. "The intention is to jointly define ways to stop the growth in the sale of pirated products digitally," explained the president of the CNCP, Claudenir Brito Pereira.

The sale of counterfeit products on the internet harms not only the rights holders of trademarks but also the State, which needs to mobilize means to curb illegal practice; sales platforms, due to the risk of credibility in enabling illegal sales; and, mainly, consumers, who purchase inferior products and without the necessary guarantees.

From the perspective of consumer protection, the National Consumer Secretariat, represented by the substitute secretary, Ana Carolina Caram, also participated in the meeting. "Education is essential for consumers to become aware of the health and safety risks that pirated products can cause to those who purchase them," warned Ana Carolina.

During the meeting, more effective methods of promoting the reduction of harmful effects of illegal products sold on the Internet were discussed. The representatives of the digital platforms, in turn, exposed their way of acting, explaining how they protect intellectual property and how they deal with the issue of pirated products.

At the end of the meeting, the representatives of the digital platforms pledged to work together with the Ministry of Justice, in order to conclude an agreement with the CNCP in which criteria and actions to reduce illegal activities in electronic commerce will be defined.

Source: Ministry of Justice - 04/05/2018

Ministry of Justice will reactivate Council to Combat Piracy

The National Council to Combat Piracy will be reactivated by the Ministry of Justice, which will have intelligence, coordination and repression actions at the borders, especially with Paraguay.
Minister Osmar Serraglio (Justice), Deputy Efraim Filho (DEM-PB), from the Front to Combat Smuggling, and the coordinator of the Movement in Defense of the Brazilian Legal Market, Edson Vismona, met to discuss the implementation of the campaign “The Brazil we want: United for the end of smuggling”.

“The union of forces between Government, parliament and society is the way to fight the crime of smuggling and the support of the Minister of Justice will be fundamental for the successful defense of the illegal market”, says Vismona, president of ETCO

The National Day to Combat Piracy

December 3 - National Day to Combat Piracy


by Edson Luiz Vismona, Evandro Guimarães and Márcio Costa de Menezes e Gonçalves


On December 3, 2015, we celebrate a decade of celebration of the National Day to Combat Piracy, an opportunity that makes us reflect on the progress achieved by our country in relation to the theme.

There is no denying that important advances have taken place, but not at the same speed as this type of crime grows and gains sophistication. We must remember the beginning of the activities of the National Council to Combat Piracy and Crimes against Immaterial Property - CNCP, in February 2005, contemporary to the constitution of the National Forum to Combat Piracy and Illegality - FNCP, an entity that gained much prominence in the confronting the crime of the century, as defined by Interpol.

The union of efforts between the Government and organized civil society, advocated by the CNCP, was the point of conquest of greater prominence, when it explicitly revealed that piracy affects the whole society, without sparing anyone. The Government is affected not only by the loss of revenue, but mainly by seeing piracy as a gateway to other crimes led by dangerous criminal organizations. The legal industry and commerce are severely affected by unfair competition, which has been closing jobs in our country year after year. Finally, consumers are affected by the low quality of counterfeit products, which often affect the safety and health of the population.

That is, only organized crime wins with piracy!

The Federal Revenue, together with the Federal Police and the Federal Highway Police, during these ten years, were the protagonists in facing this nefarious practice, despite a worrying lack of allocation of financial and human resources for the development of this strategic activity, especially with the gigantic our country's borders, which call for attention and for urgent reinforcement in their security and control of goods that are dumped in our market.

The creation of CERAD - National Risk Analysis Management Center, within the scope of the Federal Revenue, deserves a positive highlight, with very effective actions in the defense of fair competition, as well as the thematic Operations led by the Federal Highway Police, OTEFIS, which they traveled through several Brazilian states, training public agents and repressing the transit of illegal goods on our federal roads.

There was a lack of stronger action by States and Municipalities, with very few exceptions, in combating informal trade. Examples of good practices that deserve to be replicated were the actions of the police stations specialized in combating piracy in the states of Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco and the Federal District and the city of São Paulo between 2010 and 2012 (today, completely abandoned by the current management).

In the retrospective of these ten years, more striking educational and economic actions were not identified, pillars that would bring a fairer and more balanced competition environment, as well as a faster progress of Law Projects, aimed at Intellectual Property, which have been underway for a long time. our National Congress. Hopefully, with the institution of the Joint Parliamentary Fronts for the Defense of Intellectual Property and Combating Piracy and Combating Smuggling and Counterfeiting, we will be able to advance in the federal legislature. The urgency is great. Perhaps these are fundamental points for us to seek evolution in the next decade, in addition to the repression, which now takes on a different shape.

In fact, we must not forget the need to repress crimes committed in the virtual environment, the so-called electronic crimes, which are growing rapidly and challenging the authorities, technicians and law enforcers. Recent actions led by the Federal Police have dealt a serious blow to gangs that use the digital environment to commit serious crimes against copyright holders. Especially Operations “Fake Sat” and “Blackbeard”, were relentless in facing these crimes, dismantling powerful gangs that committed crimes over the internet, giving society the feeling that there is light at the end of the tunnel. With intelligent and very well articulated actions, we revere the work of the federal authorities involved in conducting these actions.

The crime will not win justice, to paraphrase Minister Carmen Lúcia. The Brazilian legal market must be defended.

For a retrospective of these ten years of the National Day to Combat Piracy, the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section, together with the National Council to Combat Piracy, will promote, on this December 3rd, in the noble hall of OAB / SP , an important event that will analyze the progress achieved, and the new challenges of the next ten years to come, an event that has the support of several entities that deal with the theme, and that will also bring an interesting exhibition of counterfeit products. It is worth checking.

We will continue to support all manifestations of valorization of Intellectual Property in our country, and may the next decade come!

Edson Luiz Vismona - President of the National Forum Against Piracy and Illegality and of the Instituto Brasil Legal, he was Secretary of Justice and Defense of Citizenship of the State of São Paulo.

Evandro do Carmo Guimaraes - Executive President of the Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition - ETCO.

Márcio Costa de Menezes and Gonçalves Partner at Siqueira Castro Advogados, in the area of ​​Intellectual Property, President of ICI - Intellectual Capital Institute, Legal Director of ABRAL - Brazilian Licensing Association, and Deputy Director of International Relations and Foreign Trade at CIESP - Center of Industries of the State of Sao Paulo. He was Executive Secretary of the National Council for Combating Piracy, of the Ministry of Justice.

The winners of the 4th Piracy Combat Award

5th edition of the National Piracy Combat Award
5th edition of the National Piracy Combat Award

After announcing winners, the Ministry of Justice announced the opening of registrations for the 5th edition

The best actions to combat piracy in Brazil in 2014 were included in the 4th edition of the National Piracy Combat Award (PNCP). The award is an initiative of the National Council to Combat Piracy and Crimes against Intellectual Property (CNCP), an organ of the Ministry of Justice. ETCO-Brazilian Institute of Competition Ethics supports and acts as project manager. The objective is to identify projects by public and private entities that have stood out in the fight against crimes against intellectual property, especially piracy.

The award is divided into three areas: economic, educational and repressive. Each of these categories can have up to three winners, awarded with gold, silver and bronze prizes.

To decide the winners, the judges evaluate the submitted projects and give scores from 0 to 5 to a series of criteria, such as economic and social impacts, potential of the idea of ​​serving as an example and innovation and creativity. An average of these grades is then made and the result indicates the projects contemplated in each of the categories.

In this edition, the winner of the economic axis was the Brazilian Association of Software Companies, for the initiative Legal Entrepreneur; in the educational area, it won the American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil, with the Escola Legal project; the repressive axis was highlighted by the Federal Highway Police, for the actions of the Thematic Operation to Combat Crimes Against Tax Authorities and Public Health. Among the winners, there are also public bodies, trade associations and even a football team, Corinthians. (See full list of winners below.)

Quality leap

The judges praised the projects presented this year for the quality achieved. “Compared to the previous edition, this year's actions have better planning and more effective coordination,” says Eunice Carvalhido, attorney for the Federal District and one of the judges of the award. "Perhaps it is a consequence of the learning acquired from previous actions and the observation of what has been working."

The awards were delivered on September 11, in the city of Blumenau, Santa Catarina. On the same date, the opening of registrations for the 5th edition of the Award was announced, which should be delivered in 2016. “The PNCP is an important award, as it stimulates creativity and research”, says Eunice.

To learn more about the project and applications, click here.


Blumenau joins the Free City of Piracy Project

Cidade is the 14th member of an initiative to curb illegal trade coordinated by ETCO

The city of Blumenau, in Santa Catarina, adhered to the Free City Piracy Project. With this, the municipality becomes the fourteenth to integrate the program of the National Council to Combat Piracy, an organ of the Ministry of Justice. The project is coordinated by ETCO-Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition and, in six years of history, has won the participation of 13 municipalities, including São Paulo, Porto Alegre and Brasília.

The project seeks to expand the involvement of cities in combating the sale and distribution of pirated products. The city halls, as is known, are responsible for the inspection and for the granting and revocation of licenses and business licenses. Unfortunately, however, some do not pay due attention to the problem of piracy. One of the main reasons is the lack of integration with the other levels of government for joint actions. This is the main focus of Cidade Livre da Pirataria.

When the project started in 2009, the priority was to sign agreements with the cities that would host the 2014 World Cup. “We achieved our goal. Only one of the headquarters was not part of the project ”, recalls Márcio Gonçalves, who coordinated the work between 2009 and 2014.

Union, states and municipalities

By signing the agreement, the city commits to coordinating anti-piracy measures with inspection and seizure of products, in addition to awareness campaigns. The work includes the Public Ministry, the police and the tax authorities.

Brazilian law provides that all entities of the federation - the Union, states and municipalities - act against the trade in illegal products. In addition to the responsibility of the city halls, the Federal Government must act through the Federal Police and the Federal Revenue Service, which have tools to face the smuggling and embezzlement of goods. The states are responsible for investigative and inspection actions, through the Military and Civil police. "The fight against piracy must be the result of a joint effort between all these actors", says Gonçalves.

The greatest example of success in this integration work proposed by Cidade Livre de Pirataria is the case of São Paulo. Between 2010 and 2012, the city coordinated a work to combat piracy that resulted in the prolonged closure of several popular shopping malls that served as real centers for selling and distributing pirated products. The result of this constant action can be felt even in other regions of the country. “Camelódromos in other cities stopped working, because pirated products were purchased in São Paulo, where commerce was facing greater barriers”, says Gonçalves.

To enhance this type of effort, the National Prize for Combating Piracy was also created, an initiative that aims to reward the best projects to combat illegal trade. The idea is to highlight public and private entities that have taken outstanding initiatives in tackling crimes against piracy and intellectual property. The winners of the fourth edition of the award will be announced at the same ceremony in which Blumenau will join the Cidade Livre de Piracy Project, on September 11th. In addition to the announcement of the winners, the event should also mark the launch of the next edition of the award.


National Council to Combat Piracy rewards actions in the country


Registrations for the 4th National Award to Combat Piracy 2014 (PNCP), which aims to recognize public and private entities that stood out in the effective fight against piracy and the illegal market, are still open. Participants can compete in the educational / preventive and economic / repressive categories.

Each category will have up to three winners, who will be classified as gold, silver and bronze. Actions carried out in any location in Brazil can be registered.

Registration is open until 30 January 2015. Should be done by email or sent, by post, with postage until the 30th, to the Ministry of Justice, at the address: Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco T, Ministry of Justice, Ed.Sede, Sala 301. CEP: 70.064-900.

Source: CNCP (16/01)

CNCP has a new composition in 2012

On February 1, the Ministry of Justice released the new composition of the National Council to Combat Piracy and Intellectual Property Offenses (CNCP). ETCO is among the members. The selection was made through an open public process in late 2011.

In 2012, the work of the CNCP will focus on the following lines of action: improving the methodologies for diagnosing and assessing the economic impacts of piracy, and deepening institutional and federative articulation actions, focusing on the economic and training aspects. The central objective is to base the debate on the protection of intellectual rights in the country and to make its instruments compatible with the observance of citizenship and the free circulation of information.

The Board is also enriched with the installation of the Collaborators Panel, which will expand the dialogue with interested sectors. The new directors and members of the collaborators panel take office at the first session of the CNCP in 2012, on Tuesday, February 7.

Check out the representatives and institutions that are part of the new composition of the CNCP:

Brazilian Intellectual Property Association:

Luiz Henrique do Amaral and José Henrique Vasi Werner

Pharmaceutical Research Industry Association:

Antonio Britto and Marcelo Ernesto Liebhardt

Fundação Getulio Vargas Technology and Society Center:

Pedro Nicoletti Mizukami and Ronaldo Lemos

National Forum to Combat Piracy and Illegality:

Edson Luiz Vismona and Rafael Garcia Pereira Bellini

Brazilian Institute of Competitive Ethics:

Roberto Pinto Ferreira Mameri Abdenur and Heloisa de Moura Ribeiro

Brazilian Video Union:

Tania Lima

Research Group on Public Policies for Access to Information at the University of São Paulo:

Pablo Ortellado and Jorge Machado

On the same occasion, the CNCP Collaborators Panel will be composed with the following composition:

Brazilian Association of Record Producers:

Paulo Rosa Junior and José Eduardo Garcia Rajo

Brazilian Association of Software Companies:

José Curcelli and Antonio Eduardo Mendes da Silva

National Intellectual Rights Guarantee Association:

José Henrique Wasi Werner and Roosevelt da Silveira Senra

National Confederation of Industry:

Ricardo de Figueiredo Caldas and Dianna de Mello Jungmann

National Trade Confederation:

Natan Shiper and Tatiana de Fátima Machado Dunshee de Abranches

Brand Protection Group:

Fábio César Espejo and Luiz Cláudio Garé

Motion Pictures Association:

Marcos Oliveira and Antonio Borges Filho

(Source: Ministry of Justice News Agency)