
Experts discuss new IP system for computers

Anatel guarantees that IP sharing will only be done during the transition to the new system, and that it is possible to identify those investigated in cyber crimes

The Social Communication Council discussed on Monday (7) the update of the IP system on the Brazilian Internet. In June last year, the system used to designate IP addresses (Ipv4) in Brazil was exhausted due to the more intense use of the Internet, mainly in mobile telephony. Since then, the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel), the Internet Steering Committee and telecommunications operators have discussed how to transition to a new system (Ipv6) with an almost unlimited number, because each device connected to the Internet must have a number IP address.

Alex Ferreira / Chamber of Deputies
Seminar “Transition from IPv4 to IPv6: access, privacy and deterrence”

Until the transition to the new system occurs, Anatel authorized the sharing of IP numbers, that is, a group of users simultaneously using the same system address. This sharing was severely criticized by the Public Ministry in the CPI of the Chamber that investigates cyber crimes for making it difficult to identify computers and investigated users.

The representative of Anatel who spoke on Monday (7) to the Social Communication Council, Rodrigo Zerbone, pointed out that IP sharing is temporary, only during the transition to the new system, and that it is possible for the authorities to identify those investigated. in cyber crimes.

“Although there are 4 people sharing this IP address, there are other technical elements that can identify that person, that device, that specific terminal. This is being used by public security agencies to be able to identify perpetrators of crimes and other illicit acts. There are elements for identification, this obviously makes it a little more complex, but we have to deal with this, because the number of IPvXNUMX addresses, which is the old version, has already been exhausted; so we have to work with sharing inexorably ”

Anatel has already published an ordinance with rules for certification of equipment that meet the two IP systems and establishes deadlines for the exchange to be made by telecommunications operators.

Vice-president of the Social Communication Council, Ronaldo Lemos wants to expand the discussion on the topic. “This is a topic that cannot be analyzed only in the criminal aspect. As this seminar made clear, this is a topic that has to do with digital inclusion, with entrepreneurship, with access to information. Other dimensions need to be included in the debate. It runs the risk, for example, of generating exorbitant costs especially for small providers, for small sites that are not the world's providers, which are stronger than small ones ”.

All agents working on the Internet - users, connection and content providers, the government itself and the legislature - will have to update the IP system.

Source: Agência Câmara de Notícias (7/12)

Internet companies say: complaints are fundamental to curb digital crimes

Deputies ask companies to act more proactively, but directors claim they follow rules of the Marco Civil da Internet, approved by Congress

Directors of internet companies were unanimous in highlighting the importance of user complaints to curb different digital crimes, in a public hearing this Thursday (27) of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) of Cyber ​​Crimes. CPI listened to the director of Public Policies at Google Brasil Internet, Marcel Leonardi, the director of Government Relations at Facebook in Brazil, Bruno Magrani, the director of Government Relations at Twitter Brazil, Felipe Magrim; and the Legal Director of Yahoo! Brazil, Diego Gualda.

The directors affirmed that they remove from their pages, without the need for a court order, the contents referring to sexual violence against children and adolescents, hate speech (for example, involving prejudice of race and gender), and images and videos of nudity and sexual acts disseminated without the consent of those involved (“revenge porn”). However, the complaints of those involved are fundamental. The four companies provide tools for reporting, which are analyzed by their teams.

Luis Macedo / Chamber of Deputies
Public Hearing. Director of Public Policy at Google Brasil Internet, Marcel Leonardi

Marcel Leonardi, from Google, explains that crimes against honor are subjective, hence the need for analysis by the Judiciary.

In the case of content considered offensive against honor, such as insult and defamation, a court order is required for the withdrawal, as established by the Marco Civil da Internet (Law 12.965 / 14). According to the Google director, crimes against honor, in general, are subjective, hence the need for analysis by the Judiciary. According to the civil framework, the delivery to authorities of user data suspected of committing crimes can also only be made by court order.

The directors stated that the law, passed last year, brought more legal certainty and clarity of rules for companies and users. "The effect is positive, including on network crime," said the Yahoo director. However, they did not have consolidated data with the difference in the number of crimes before and after the approval of the civil framework, requested by some members of the CPI.

Sexual violence against children
In the case of reports of sexual violence against children, the directors informed that they are sent to the American agency NCMec (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children), which catalogs and encrypts all images, preventing them from being released again. "These technologies were developed to detect cases of child sexual abuse automatically (by algorithm)," said Marcel Leonardi.

Deputy Sandro Alex (PPS-PR), a CPI subrelator, believes, however, that the use of encrypted images has not been sufficient. According to him, video of rape of minors in Paraná was available on YouTube for five days. Deputy Rafael Motta (Pros-RN), also a subrelator, said that a quick search for Google shows videos of children with sexual content, with degrading comments.

According to the director of Google, automatic filters are flawed, and a prior analysis of all content posted on the network is not possible. “YouTube receives 300 hours of material per minute. It is an overwhelming volume. There must be a complaint so that we can act ”, stressed Marcel. “No technological tool is going to be fully effective; we depend on complaints ”, added Facebook director Bruno Magrani. The directors stressed the importance of educating children and adolescents to use the internet and reported that the platforms provide material explaining the safest way to behave on the network.


Archive / Gabriela Korossy
Pastor Marco Feliciano

Feliciano says he only managed to remove offensive content from Facebook after he had direct contact with a company executive

Deputy Silas Freire (PR-PI) criticized the fact that companies do not act preventively against crimes on the internet, but only when provoked. For him, there is a delay in removing the reported content. Deputy Pastor Marco Feliciano (PSC-SP) said that he is filing hundreds of lawsuits against social networks and stressed the difficulty of people to protect their image and honor on the internet. The congressman reports that he never managed to remove defamations against him from Facebook until he had direct contact with one of the company's directors in Brazil.

Deputy João Arruda (PMDB-PR), who requested the hearing, agrees with the current rules. “It was very important to bring to justice some issues, such as the trial of crimes of slander. Otherwise, Facebook would have to hire judges, ”he said.

Reportage - Lara Haje
Edition - Patricia Roedel


Source: Home .