ETCO Magazine

Access the new edition of ETCO Magazine here

Check out the new edition (Dec / 2018) of ETCO Magazine, which features as a cover story, the 10 measures to combat the illegal market, in addition to coverage of events and research conducted by ETCO. Read also the unprecedented interview with the president of the advisory council, Everardo Maciel.

Survey shows 10 measures to combat the illegal market that supports organized crime

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Folha de São Paulo publishes series with presidential candidates on combating the illegal market

The Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition (ETCO) asked the top five presidential candidates in the polls about ways to combat illegal trade and its effects on crime.

The responses were divided into topics and are being published daily in the Folha de São Paulo newspaper. The series with the answers started last Monday, with the theme of resources. Yesterday, candidates responded on legislation.

Follow the publications here:

Monday (1 / 10)
Tuesday (2 / 10)
Wednesday (3 / 10)
Thursday (4 / 10)
Friday (5 / 10)

Download PDF: Resources | Legislation | Intelligence | Taxes | Summary