“Anyone who can build a wall [at the border] does it, we are unable to build a wall of 24.000 kilometers, including the maritime region. So it has to be through dialogue, ”said Nardes, referring to the wall on the border between the United States and Mexico, which has been promoted by President Donald Trump.
The statement was made at the second debate table at the Security and Development seminar, held by Folha, sponsored by ETCO this Tuesday (20th), in Brasília. Nardes said he asked Foreign Minister Aloysio Nunes to be more proactive. “It is time for Itamaraty to take action and create agreements. There is no point in ruling at TCU and waiting. ”
The most urgent measures, according to Nardes, are the creation of policies to strengthen border areas, which have low population density and job offers, and the authorization for police persecutions to happen across borders between countries.
For the director general of the PRF (Federal Highway Police), Renato Dias, the creation of special groups of action in the border states, replicating what is being done today in Rio de Janeiro, would be a way to curb illegal trade .
For this to happen, Dias stated that he is negotiating the opening of 2.940 vacancies in public tenders in the next four years. In February, the Minister of Public Security, Raul Jungmann, authorized the opening of a competition for 500 vacancies for the Federal Highway Police.
The group in Rio, created in July 2017 to combat the entry of drug and arms smuggling into the state, and which will continue until the end of the year, has about 40 agents focused on this action.
The idea is that, in other states, groups are created with up to 150 agents who work exclusively in the inspection of border regions, similarly to what occurs in Rio, according to Dias.
For Nardes, if the Union does not control borders more efficiently, new federal interventions will have to be made in the public security of the states.
The TCU minister criticized the lack of organization of the security forces and policies for the sector, which facilitates the entry of illegal goods and people (who pretend to be refugees), generating an increase in crimes in the capitals.
“It is a bankruptcy in the state of Rio Janeiro that is all over Brazil. This happens due to the disorganization of the structures of the security forces ”, he said.
Source: Folha de São Paulo (20/03)