ETCO in the media


As part of the launch of the campaign THE BRAZIL THAT WE WANT, which defends a positive agenda in the fight against smuggling, the newspaper Folha de São Paulo circulated on 29/03, with a “fake” cover, which brought a series of news fictitious, which would be possible if the smuggling were fought.

In the same newspaper, a manifesto was also published, calling on businessmen, government and politicians to join forces in the fight against smuggling, which causes losses in the order of R $ 130 billion to the country.

The campaign initiative was led by the Joint Parliamentary Front to Combat Contraband and Counterfeiting and the Movement in Defense of the Brazilian Legal Market coordinated by ETCO and FNCP.

See here the image of the campaign in Folha de São Paulo

SPaulo sheet (cover)

SPaulo sheet (manifest)