Seminar will bring Foz international American experience
control in border regions
Foz do Iguaçu, December 8, 2016 - The National Forum Against Piracy and Illegality (FNCP) and the Federal Revenue Service organize this Friday, December 9, the IX Triple Frontier Seminar, which will discuss strategies to control rampant smuggling into Brazilian territory, in addition to presenting examples of international initiatives that have been successful in combating this crime.
The fragility of the borders and the billion-dollar losses borne by Brazil will also be highlighted in this Seminar, which will have representatives from American agencies to report on the experience obtained in the country through the control of the United States' borders.
The president of FNCP and the Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition (ETCO), Edson Vismona, emphasizes the importance of the exchange of experiences between Brazil and the USA: “The country today loses R $ 115 billion with the crime of smuggling, which counts on direct action by criminal organizations and generate illicit income for illegal activities, such as drug and arms trafficking. It is essential to open space for the exchange of information, especially with countries that can present successful cases and eventually help us to improve the security of our borders ”.
The event will also count on the participation of the Federal Revenue Service; the Brazilian Navy, which will address the issue of monitoring on Lake Itaipu; in addition to the Federal Police and the Federal Highway Police.