
Border Security

Border SecuritySeminar will bring Foz international American experience
control in border regions


Foz do Iguaçu, December 8, 2016 - The National Forum Against Piracy and Illegality (FNCP) and the Federal Revenue Service organize this Friday, December 9, the IX Triple Frontier Seminar, which will discuss strategies to control rampant smuggling into Brazilian territory, in addition to presenting examples of international initiatives that have been successful in combating this crime.

The fragility of the borders and the billion-dollar losses borne by Brazil will also be highlighted in this Seminar, which will have representatives from American agencies to report on the experience obtained in the country through the control of the United States' borders.

The president of FNCP and the Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition (ETCO), Edson Vismona, emphasizes the importance of the exchange of experiences between Brazil and the USA: “The country today loses R $ 115 billion with the crime of smuggling, which counts on direct action by criminal organizations and generate illicit income for illegal activities, such as drug and arms trafficking. It is essential to open space for the exchange of information, especially with countries that can present successful cases and eventually help us to improve the security of our borders ”.

The event will also count on the participation of the Federal Revenue Service; the Brazilian Navy, which will address the issue of monitoring on Lake Itaipu; in addition to the Federal Police and the Federal Highway Police.



Launch of the book Ética Concorrencial, by Oscar Pilagallo

Editora Elsevier, ETCO and FGV Direito SP invite you to launch the book Competitive Ethics: reflection, analysis and perspectives, by Oscar Pilagallo, on November 4, in São Paulo.

The book launch cocktail will take place at the end of the international seminar Tax Reform and the challenges of Latin Americaat 16 pm.

Registration for the seminar is open and places are limited.

Time: from 8h30 to 16h00

Location: FGV Direito SP - Rua Rocha, 233 - Auditorium 2 - basement. - Bela Vista - SP

Information and registration:

Lilian Satomi ( - 011 3093 48 40

Ana Paula Yoshimoto ( - 11 3093 48 32

Check here the seminar schedule

Competition Ethics is a topic of debate among Public Relations students

About 70 students, from the third year of the Public Relations course at Faculdade Cásper Libero, filled the auditorium to participate in the lecture on Competition Ethics given by ETCO's executive president, Roberto Abdenur. The meeting was held within the discipline of Ethics and Legislation.

The students had the opportunity to learn a little more about what the institute is, its operating strategy, which sectorial chambers it is composed of and what are the main communication actions and tools used to disseminate the competitive ethics theme in society.

After the lecture, students asked questions on topics such as tax evasion, taxation, corruption and the fight against piracy. The questions contributed to further enrich the debate.

University students approved the initiative. “I found it very interesting to discuss ethics in Brazil in a different way, more focused on the economy and business. It is good to know that there are ways to work sustainably and that it is possible to add ethics to everyday life ”, said student Jéssica Alves da Silva.

“I loved the lecture, it was very enriching. The institute has a fundamental role in raising awareness about topics so important to society. Much of what has been said, from now on, starts to be part of our reality ”, said student Rodrigo Garcia.

The Public Relations Ethics and Legislation professor, Ágatha Camargo Paraventi, was enthusiastic about the students' interest. “In the classroom, students learn about ethics within organizations and how to be more responsible. However, at the beginning of their professional lives, they face the challenges of the labor market. The meeting was essential for the students to understand how the market works and to discover what are the necessary tools to reconcile duty and ethics. ”

The meeting is part of ETCO's efforts to establish an open channel of relationship with the academic environment, as it considers this stakeholder fundamental for the dissemination of issues related to competitive ethics. “We intend to expand the initiatives within universities and colleges in order to get closer to this audience”, analyzes Heloisa Ribeiro, executive director of ETCO.

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