ETCO Informs

In 4 years, more than 100 thousand counterfeit beer bottles in Brazil

Remove the label and cap from a cheap beer, and stick the label and cap from a more expensive beer on it. Technically, it is not a complex process. Easy, even, considering that it brings three-digit profits. This was what a supposedly peaceful merchant from the Jardim Romano neighborhood, in the East Zone of São Paulo, was doing, according to agents from the State Department of Criminal Investigations (Deic) who arrested him. He took bottles from a small brewery from the city of São Paulo of the same name, and made them pass through two of the beers with the greatest participation in the Brazilian market.

In May, five people were arrested by PMs from São Paulo, in a house in Ferraz de Vasconcellos, a city in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region. Two 20-year-olds and one 18-year-old caught with 64 crates of beer said they had been hired three months ago by the two property owners to basically do the same thing, replacing the cheapest labels and caps with the most expensive ones. In July last year, the same Deic had already arrested a bricklayer who worked in a similar way on Avenida Parada Pinto, in Vila Nova Cachoeirinha, in the north of the city.

It is a situation in which the consumer loses, who buys a cat in a poke, and the companies, which not only stop selling their products but also have the brands improperly transmitted. The country's largest consumer market, São Paulo, no wonder, seems to be a constant target of counterfeiters, but it is far from being an exception. In the past four years, civilian and military police officers across the country have dismantled at least 17 schemes for this type of crime in seven states and the Federal District, according to a survey by Dois Fingers in Collar with police sources and online journals across the country.

In 2014 alone (which is not over yet, as we know), I was able to identify 6 different cases, the same number as in 2013. Another 3 cases were reported by the authorities in 2012 and 2 in 2011. In total, 50 people were arrested, including three minors. age (which are “apprehended” to use the correct technical term). The volume involved in these frauds is 101,8 bottles, or just over 60 liters.

I know the number is impressive, but let's take it easy with Andor, drinkers. Brazilian beer production is almost 14 billion liters per year, according to data from the Beverage Control System (Sicobe), therefore, the total volume of counterfeits represents only 0,0004% of the total. It is a drop in the ocean of beer consumed by Brazilians. Considering that the four largest companies in the sector in the country produce 97% of the beer on Brazilian lands, according to their association, CervBrasil, there is another practical limitation on the scope that fraud can have.

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Source: O Globo Online

Counterfeiting network grows in the country

Auto parts, clothing, drinks, wheat flour and powdered milk. These are some of the items that, according to the Brazilian Association to Combat Counterfeiting - ABCF, are part of the list of counterfeit products in Brazil.

According to a report published in the newspaper Bom Dia Brasil, the counterfeiting network has been increasing annually, generating a loss of R $ 100 billion for the country. With a larger consumer market, São Paulo is one of the states most affected by counterfeiting, followed by Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul and Bahia.

Rodolpho Ramazzini, from ABCF, points out that there are many causes that contributed to this growth, among them the technological sophistication carried out by counterfeiters in preparing products that were previously difficult to make, in addition to the increase in transnational trade.

The report also featured testimonials from several consumers who experienced embarrassment and disappointment after purchasing counterfeit products, in addition to showing some tips on how to identify differences between the pirated version and the original.

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Source: TV Globo (Good morning Brazil)
Collaboration: Pernord


Anvisa determines seizure and destruction of batch of fake medicine

The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) ordered the suspension of the manufacture, distribution, dissemination and commercialization of the drug Reumatex, manufactured by an unknown company. The agency also determined the seizure and destruction of the remaining products on the market. The resolution was published last Thursday (03/09) in the Federal Official Gazette.

The drug was being manufactured and marketed irregularly, as it has no registration. The product had in its packaging the National Register of Legal Entities of a company that does not know Reumatex and the registration with the Ministry of Health of another remedy.

Due to the presence of a foreign body in an ampoule of the drug Contracep, an injectable contraceptive, Anvisa also determined the suspension of the distribution and sale of lot 601530.1. The medicine is manufactured by the company Germed Farmacêutica Ltda and the batch is valid until 01/16. The company will have to collect the existing units on the market for the affected lot.

Source: Valor Online

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The hateful trade in fake medicines

It is notorious to sell fake, counterfeit and pirated products worldwide. Formal industry and commerce, which paid high taxes (especially in Brazil), are hampered by unfair competition from opportunists who, outside the law and in total disrespect to the consumer, obtain great advantages, harming the whole society. The important thing for these criminals is to make money - a lot, no matter how.

And when it comes to earning a lot, it is a lot: it is estimated that this illegal market moves around R $ 13 billion a year in Brazil - taking into account only medicines. The most expensive remedies (fighting cancer, for example) and the most sought after (treatment of erectile dysfunction, weight loss, anabolic steroids) are those that suffer most from counterfeiting. And, in fact, the high taxation (on average 34%) on medicines reinforces the immense profitability of crime merchants.

When it comes to medicines, this perverse marketing gains an aggravating factor. In addition to economic and tax issues, we have the damage of what is most important: health. An example of this brutality was harshly presented at the Piracy CPI, in 2013, at the Chamber of Deputies. In one of the statements, a criminal exposed, with great coldness, a terrifying logic. Asked why he forged cancer-fighting drugs, he replied: "They are the ones that make the most profit."

It is important to note that the consumer has an essential role in combating this illegality and immorality. Understanding all stages of the legal process is part of raising awareness. First, it has a very high investment in research, tests and improvements carried out for years; sometimes unsuccessfully, representing the loss of all investment to approve a molecule.

After this stage, another process begins: that of validation by the health and health surveillance agencies, which also consume time, human and financial resources and the registration of trademarks and patents. Once approved, we have the manufacturing, marketing and distribution in complex logistics and, of course, the payment of taxes, licensing fees and social contributions resulting from formal employment relationships. Finally, it is worth remembering that companies engaged in research, manufacturing, marketing and distribution are registered and known, and can be easily found and, if necessary, brought to administrative and judicial levels.

On your side, the criminal. Without any investment, those who have proven acceptance by the market will falsify the medicine. Withholding taxes, no formal employees, taking advantage of underemployment and even slave labor, in addition to using the most precarious facilities, without any concern with hygiene and cleanliness. In short: very little investment, very low risk and high profits. The consumer buys a mock medicine and receives the worsening of the disease, sometimes death. They have already been found in counterfeit arsenic, cement powder, floor wax, paint, talcum powder, nickel, among others.

This alarming situation deserves full attention on the part of society and, of course, the government, at all levels. The integrated action of the public administration bodies, the strengthening of the inspection areas, especially the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), the constant improvement of pharmacovigilance, which may point to the use of false medicines, the procedures for traceability of medicines, the improvement of the drug purchase process and consumer awareness work are initiatives that must be contemplated, with the objective of reducing criminal action.

The National Forum Against Piracy and Illegality (FNCP), a non-profit civil association, has business associations and companies as members and has been assuming an important role in this process, by supporting inspection actions (Thematic Operations to Combat Crimes against the Tax Authorities and Public Health, organized by the Federal Highway Police on federal roads in conjunction with the Federal Revenue Service, the Federal Police and Anvisa) and awareness raising (Seminar - annual - of the Triple Border, in Foz do Iguaçu, in addition to guides for consumers and government).

These initiatives demonstrate that much remains to be done. The breach of public coffers is impressive, and the damage to health is immeasurable. Public authorities, civil society and companies must persevere in this just and indispensable struggle. Health thanks you.

Edson Luiz Vismona

President of the National Forum Against Piracy and Illegality (FNCP) and the Instituto Brasil Legal, he was Secretary of Justice and Defense of Citizenship of the State of São Paulo

Source: Mail Braziliense

Bill expands drug fraud ban

Approved with changes in the Chamber of Deputies, the bill returns to the Senate (PLS 464 / 2011) by Senator Humberto Costa (PT-PE), which allows the suspension of activities, for as long as necessary, of a business establishment involved in the falsification, adulteration or alteration of medicines.

Currently, the maximum interdiction term as a precautionary measure, provided for in the law dealing with sanitary infractions (Law 6.437 / 77) cannot, in any case, exceed 90 days. After that period, the establishment is released automatically. According to the project, the interdiction of establishments that falsify or adulterate medicines and cosmetics may exceed the 90 days of the current rule to make it possible, for example, to carry out tests, tests and analyzes.

Approved by the Senate's Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Commission (CCJ) in a terminative character, the project was forwarded to the Chamber, where it passed as PL 3673 / 2012. By means of amendments, the Chamber's Social Security and Family Commission included laboratories for personal hygiene and perfumery products among those that could be banned indefinitely. The amendment will be examined by the CCJ, where it awaits the appointment of the rapporteur.

 Source: The Senate Agency

Inspection seizes more than 1.500 products sold without a note in downtown Brasilia

The Order Shock Operation, conducted by 14 inspection agencies of the Federal District, collected, on Thursday (3), in downtown Brasília (DF), 1.534 unreported products, among them 1.202 counterfeits. One person was arrested. Representatives of Seops (Secretariat of Public and Social Order (Seops) and Agefis (Inspection Agency) made the apprehension between Conic and Rodoviária do Plano Piloto. PMDF (Military Police of the Federal District) participated in the action to ensure security the location.

According to the operation, the arrested salesman offered at least 56 t-shirts and shorts from the Brazilian team and uniforms with the image of the World Cup mascot doll, which is considered a crime of trademark violation. Each T-shirt was for sale for R $ 35 in an improvised way on the floor of the terminal's lower platform. In conventional stores, the original costs, on average, R $ 230.

The peddler, driven to the 5th DP (Police Station), gave testimony, signed a detailed term and was released. The penalty for those selling pirated products is one to three months in prison or a fine.

The actions at Rodoviária are, above all, aimed at the occupation of public spaces by agents in order to avoid the arrival of street vendors at the terminal. However, some insist on trade and ended up at a loss, said Seops undersecretary of operations, Luciano Teixeira.

1.132 CDs and DVDs were also apprehended in front of Conic and 14 cell phones on the lower platform of the bus station. The sellers fled. Among the other goods collected in the action were fruits, cans of soft drinks and beers, a bottle of mineral water, sweets and snacks.

The materials followed the deposit of Agefis and may be recovered by the owners by paying a fine and presenting an invoice, except the counterfeits, which will be destroyed.

Work group

The Order Shock is part of the schedule of actions developed at Rodoviária since August last year, when the Integrated Management Committee was created. The group of 14 organs of the GDF (Government of the Federal District) is coordinated by the Casa Civil.

The activities are planned with the objective of maintaining public order, safety, quality in public facilities and assistance to people in situations of vulnerability. Seops and Agefis are responsible for monitoring to prevent piracy and illegal trade.

According to the legislation that regulates the economic activities of the Federal District, the sale of goods in a public area that was not authorized by the State is considered irregular. Marketers and other shopkeepers can obtain an authorization from the Regional Administration of the city where they intend to sell products.

For street vendors, the option is to request an eventual license from the City Coordination. Just take the RG and CPF and register on the list of interested parties to work on shows and events with defined days and times.

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Clandestine drug factory discovered in Paraná

Source: 180 (Teresina - PI) - 23/05/2012

Counterfeit medications in Brazil are more common than you think and care should be taken when purchasing them.

International agencies estimate that up to 30% of the medicine sold in the country has problems. In the state of Paraná, known for having one of the most active health surveillance systems in the country, the civil police of that state discovered an illegal clandestine drug factory that operated in a farm on Estrada Bandeirante, in the rural area of ​​the city of Maringá.

There, three teenagers and a manager responsible for counterfeiting the products were apprehended. According to the police, the detainees forged 15 different types of medicines on the spot, which were sent to distributors in the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina. In total, the gang produced approximately 1200 pots of medicine and moved more than R $ 100 per month in the scheme.

At the scene, investigators found thousands of plastic jars, labels, empty capsules, cardboard boxes and other materials used to pack and distribute the drugs. According to the police, the suspects used the same substance to fill capsules with different types of drugs.

We warn drug users to always demand the invoice for the drug purchased and, in case of suspicion, contact Anvisa at the address: SIA Section 5, Special Area 57, lot 200, Block D, 1st Subsoil. Brasília - DF, CEP: 71.205-050. Or if you prefer, by calling: (61) 3462-6792 / 5786/6840 or by fax: (61) 3462-5772.

In any establishment caught with irregular drugs, those responsible will answer for the crimes framed in Art. 273 of the Brazilian Penal Code and will be subject to imprisonment that varies from 10 to 15 years.

One third of malaria remedies in the world are fake

Source: O Globo Online (Rio de Janeiro - RJ) - 22/05/2012

Counterfeiting causes resistance and failure to treat the disease, say researchers

An article published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases magazine shows that one third of the drugs used to contain the spread of malaria in the world are false. Researchers who analyzed 1500 samples of drugs taken from seven countries in Southeast Asia say the low quality of counterfeit drugs is causing resistance and treatment failures.

Another analysis carried out in 21 sub-Saharan African countries, with more than 2500 drug samples, showed similar results. American researchers at the Fogarty International Center, of the National Institutes of Health, who coordinated the work, believe that the problem may be even greater than the data suggest.

"Most cases may not be reported, or are reported to the wrong agencies, or kept confidential by pharmacists," write the researchers.

No far-reaching study on the quality of medicines has been carried out in China or India, countries that concentrate one third of the world population and are important points of medicine production.

"Between 655 and 1,2 million people die every year from the disease," the researcher who led the study, Gaurvika Nayyar, told the BBC. - Most of these deaths could be prevented if the drugs available to patients were effective, quality and used correctly.

The study says that the means of monitoring the quality of drugs against malaria is insufficient and that there is little knowledge among consumers and health professionals about treatments. There is still a lack of supervision of the production of these drugs, as well as punitive actions against counterfeiters.

Despite this, malaria mortality has fallen by more than 25% worldwide since 2000, and 33% in the African region. But the World Health Organization says that maintaining current rates of decline in the number of deaths is not enough to meet global goals for controlling the disease. And it makes a call to increase investments in diagnostic tests, treatment and inspection.