28/02/2012 - The TV newscast Bom Dia Brasil, from TV Globo, showed an article referring to informal work, in which the Underground Economy Index, a research developed by ETCO in partnership with FGV, is cited.
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More incentives to regularize informals
Source: Diário de São Paulo
Street vendors, seamstresses, dogueiros, in short, small businessmen who work in the informal sector gained more incentives this year to act within the law, paying few taxes.
The new ceiling for EI (Individual Entrepreneur) annual gross revenue began to apply, from R $ 36 thousand to R $ 60 thousand, according to Complementary Law 139/11. Federal law now also allows for the alteration and cancellation of the EI registration, the possibility of hiring a replacement employee when the holder asks for leave and creates Dumei (Single Declaration of the Individual Microentrepreneur), which unifies the delivery of several documents with information social, fiscal and tax. Dumei has not yet entered into force, as it remains to be regulated.
Sao Paulo/ In the state of São Paulo, the good news for individual entrepreneurs comes from Jucesp (Junta Comercial de São Paulo). Individual entrepreneurs are now exempt from charging fees by Jucesp.
Fees were charged, for example, to anyone who intended to change addresses or expand their business. When filing the request at Jucesp, the taxpayer no longer needs to bear the costs charged by the state (R $ 24) and the federal government (R $ 10). According to the president of Jucesp, José Constantino de Bastos Júnior, the measure will stimulate the improvement of the business environment. The Individual Entrepreneur was implemented in Brazil in 2009.
Discover the most popular activities
According to the Ministry of Development, the most sought-after economic activities for registering the Individual Entrepreneur in 2011 were retailing of clothing and accessories, hairdressers, cafeterias, tea houses, juices and the like, mini-markets, grocery stores and warehouses, bespoke clothing, bars , masonry works, computer repair and maintenance, supply of prepared food for home consumption and mobile food services. The Individual Entrepreneur ended 2011 with 1.871.176 registered.
The cursed legacy of informality
Source: O Globo - 31/10/2010
BRASILIA. In real Brazil that will be inherited by the new president, one of the challenges will be the problem of informality. Translated into numbers, the underground economy generates around R $ 600 billion, equivalent to 17% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
And it subtracts from the public coffers R $ 200 billion a year, a mountain of resources that would give to multiply the volume of investments of the Union for four times or to triple the health budget. Incorporated into legal Brazil, this economy that operates on the margins would allow a 2011% reduction in the tax burden, experts estimate.
The accelerated growth of the economy is a stimulus to the formalization of work and companies.
The advances in recent years in this direction are unquestionable, but insufficient to solve the problem of informality, which harms the country in several ways, not only due to losses in revenue.
- The informal worker loses the protection of the law, the taxpayer pays more, the consumer is harmed because he has no guarantee in purchases, good entrepreneurs lose with unfair competition - highlights economist André Montoro, executive president of the Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition ( Etco), which in July released, with the Getulio Vargas Foundation, the Underground Economy Index for 2009, with the dimensions of this market
'They are not romantic street vendors', says economist Montoro notes that it is necessary to demystify the romantic view that informality and piracy support small entrepreneurs, people who struggle for survival.
- They are not romantic street vendors, they are people paid by gangs and distribution networks.
It is a broader problem, of illegality and disregard for laws, a public problem. The work of artisans, of small entrepreneurs, should be valued with encouragement to formalization - he says.
Simplifying and reducing bureaucracy in the tax burden is very important to reduce the underground economy, in the expert's view, as well as modernizing inspection systems.
- The reduction of the generalized tax burden is difficult, because government spending only increases, but reducing bureaucracy is feasible and has a cost impact for companies - highlights the economist, who points out the electronic invoice as an essential advance. - Computerization has a moralizing aspect, as it prevents bad tax officials from negotiating with bad payers.
The manager of the national job search at IBGE, Cimar Azeredo, points out that a change in the structure of the labor market, with increased outsourcing, encourages formalization.
The most serious problems are in precarious areas, such as small businesses in low-income areas, where inspection is not very active and traders lack support. He defends public policies that support these segments with stimulus and information, and highlights that the way to reduce informality in the country is to invest heavily in education: - It is necessary to eliminate functional illiteracy, the channel remains education.