Objective is to make companies aware of the fundamental points of an effective integrity program
[evp_embed_video url = ”https://www.etco.org.br/videos/ETCO-Integridade-HD.mp4 ″ class =” functional ”loop =” true ”poster =” https://www.etco.org. br / user_img / etco-integrity-poster.jpg ”]
The ETCO-Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition launched in November a video to draw the companies attention to the most important points of a program to prevent corruption. The video is part of the campaign that the Institute has been developing to help spread compliance in the country, which also involves supporting events and publishing a printed and digital guide on the topic.
The video, with just over 3 minutes, seeks to sensitize company managers to create a formal integrity program, emphasizing the aspects that are most important to their success, such as the creation of codes of ethics and conduct, the training of employees and the creation of a channel of information and complaints.
The video has been broadcast on corporate channels and can be used freely in training programs or to spread the importance of preventing corruption.
For more information, contact andrealopes@etco.org.br