Since the approval of Law 12.846 / 2013, known as the Anti-Corruption Law, interest in integrity programs, or compliance, has grown a lot. The problem is that most of the courses and seminars on the subject take place on the Rio-São Paulo axis, where most of the companies with an interest in the topic are concentrated. “As a result, other regions end up being very lacking in information”, says Alessandra Gonsales, a partner at the law firm WFaria and Legal Ethics Compliance (LEC), a company that conducts courses and workshops on the subject.
To spread compliance in other cities in the country, LEC is taking one of its main events on the subject, Compliance Day, to other regions. The initiative has the support of the ETCO-Brazilian Institute for Competition Ethics. Previous editions took place in cities like Brasília, Porto Alegre and Curitiba. Now, there are events scheduled for Campinas, at the end of August, and Belo Horizonte, in October. “Outside the big centers, companies interested in implementing an integrity program end up making mistakes due to lack of knowledge”, says Alessandra.
Themes and audience
Compliance Day editions consist of a series of speeches by experts and last for one day. Among the themes of the presentations, there are some of the points that generate more doubts or concerns on the part of companies, such as the criminal compliance, or managers' criminal liability, and financial compliance, which deals with aspects of money laundering. There is also much discussion about the changes brought about by the Anticorruption Law, with a comparison of the text implemented in Brazil and the legislation of other countries.
The audience is varied. "The demand comes from the most diverse types of companies and executive profiles," says Alessandra. Among the participants, there are professionals from small, medium and large companies, responsible for both the compliance area and related sectors, such as the legal department, in the case of companies that have not yet implemented specific departments to address this issue.
More information about the schedule and registrations for Compliance Day can be obtained on the LEC website (