Interested parties have until 11 November to register
Brasilia, 17/9/15 - The National Council to Combat Piracy and Crimes Against Intellectual Property (CNCP) has opened registration for the 5th edition of the National Prize to Combat Piracy. Those interested in participating can register until November 11, 2015.

The objective of the event is to recognize public and private entities that stood out in the effective fight against piracy and the illegal market, which can compete with their projects in the educational / preventive, economic or repressive axes.
Actions carried out in any community in Brazil, whose focus has been on tackling piracy and other crimes against intellectual property, between October 2014 and September 2015 can be registered. click here.
Categories - According to the resolution of the event, the Award will be divided into three axes: educational / preventive actions; economic and repressive. In the educational area, projects should be presented aimed at raising awareness among consumers and public bodies in relation to the harmful effects of piracy and the importance of acquiring original products.
In the economic area, initiatives that aim to strengthen the business environment and legal security in Brazil will be contemplated, including in the digital environment, with regard to intellectual property rights. The repressive axis, in turn, intends to put into practice projects that improve measures to repress infringements against intellectual property.
The participant can only register in one category. Each action taken must be analyzed in accordance with the following evaluation criteria: impact and benefit to society; impact and benefit to the economy; initiative innovation and creativity; planning and coordination; and, finally, potential for example and motivation. The criteria will be evaluated by scores from zero to five. For a stock of a particular category to be awarded it will need to obtain a minimum score of 2,5.
All registered actions that reach the minimum score of 2,5 will be divided into the North, Northeast, Midwest, South and Southeast regions, and the action with the highest score in each region will receive a regionally outstanding award.
About CNCP - The National Council for Combating Piracy is an advisory collegiate body, part of the basic structure of the Ministry of Justice, whose purpose is to develop guidelines for the formulation and proposition of a national plan to combat piracy, the tax evasion resulting from it and the crimes against intellectual property.
Justice ministry
(61) 2025-3135 / 3315/9962
Source: Ministry of Justice website .