
Campinas receives seminar on the Legal Fuel Movement

The legal fuel movement seminar was held last Wednesday, 8/11, with the participation of ETCO, Sindicom, Government and Judiciary authorities, including the Regional Superintendent of the Federal Police in SP, Disney Rosseti .

The Legal Fuel Movement aims to combat tax evaders known as hard-hitting debtors, who do not pay their taxes and use tax evasion as a business strategy, harming honest competition.

Edson Vismona, president of ETCO, participated in the panel dedicated to “Operation Rosa dos Ventos”, launched by the PF in the fight against fraud in the fuel sector. In August, Operation Rosa dos Ventos of the Federal Police, Revenue and Federal Public Ministry arrested at least 20 people for tax evasion in the area of ​​fuels in the region of Campinas. The losses reached R $ 3 billion. The PF delegate, Paulo Víbrio, participated in the event and reinforced the importance of the work. Also participating in the panel were the Federal Police Delegates, Victor Hugo Rodrigues Alves Ferreira and Estela Beraquet Costa and the Federal Prosecutor Ricardo Perin Nardi.

The State Secretariat for Justice and Citizenship coordinates operations against fuel and pump fraud, a situation that occurs in all municipalities in the state, as highlighted by the secretary, Márcio Elias Rosa. In the Campinas region, from January to September, 17 gas stations were closed due to irregularities, during operations.



Legal Fuel Movement. Understand what it is and how you can help.

The fuel sector suffers greatly from tax evasion, caused by a minority of entrepreneurs malicious. Everyone loses: the market, society and especially you!


They do not pay their taxes and use tax evasion as a business strategy, harming honest competition. They are known as stubborn debtors.


There are almost R $ 5 billion that could be invested per year in public benefits.

With this amount it would be possible to pay for:

  • One year salary for 36 new doctors;
  • One year salary for 100 thousand new police officers;
  • The duplication of about 1.100 km of roads;
  • The teaching of almost 2 million children.


Leave your name and I know your email, expressing your support for the Senate Bill 284/2017, authored by Senator Ana Amélia, which differentiates the debtor from the eventual debtor of taxes (who experiences temporary difficulties and has intention to pay).

Enough of impunity! We need your support to stop this!


Legal Fuel Movement is launched in Brasília

sticker_redondo_basta-300x300On August 22, 2017, the Legal Fuel Movement was launched. The event took place at the National Congress and counted on the participation of entities such as Ajufe - Association of Federal Judges of Brazil, ETCO, Fecombustíveis, Fiesp, OAB, among others.

The Legal Fuel Movement defends and supports actions that come to combat anti-competitive and fraudulent activities such as tax evasion, default of taxes and fraud at the pumps. According to a recently launched study by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), 4,8 billion reais in taxes are not being properly paid annually by some companies, the vast majority of whom do not have assets to honor these enormous debts accumulated by long periods. And they know it. And they continue to operate on the margins of the law, harming the legal market, job-creating companies and the final consumer. We want, and we need, to change these laws that favor regular debtors and that harm tax collection, harming the market, society and the consumer.

During the event, the bill that characterizes the regular tax debtor.

To learn more about the movement, visit the website

This is a project led by Sindicom (one of ETCO's associates) and has the support of several entities and associations such as Fiesp, Fecombustíveis, Sincopetro, Regran, IBP, ETCO, OAB, FIESP, Brasilcom and Unica.