
Defense discloses balance of Operation Agate 9

During the ten days of the Agate operation, 9 more than four tons of marijuana and 65 tons of foodstuffs were seized without origin. The smuggling of prohibited materials and the embezzlement of goods, without paying taxes, are valued at approximately R $ 700.

The balance of the operation carried out along the entire Brazilian western border was released last Saturday (2). According to Defense Minister Jaques Wagner, the operation, in addition to serving for cross-border protection, is a tool for training troops. “Many people tell me that Agate should be permanent and definitive. This is difficult, but I think it is necessary to do it more often ”, he added.

To date, the work of government agencies and the Armed Forces has been responsible for 42.509 inspections, surveys and searches at road blocking and control posts distributed between Rondônia and Paraná, in the border strip of these states. There were still 709 river patrols, motorized or on foot.

The Brazilian Air Force (FAB), together with the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac), inspected eight aerodromes, in addition to carrying out 60 approaches, 24 notifications, nine interdictions and the seizure of an irregular aircraft in Porto Velho (RO).

The Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin) acted in the production of information that helped in the planning and execution of tactical and repressive actions. The work, in cooperation with Anac and the Amazon Protection System Management and Operational Center (Censipam), resulted in the detection of about 200 landing strips on private properties and areas of environmental preservation in the border regions.

In this edition, the military apparatus operated in 166 municipalities ranging from Vista Alegre do Abunã (RO) to Foz do Iguaçu (PR), involving 5.310 Navy, Army and Air Force military personnel and 255 professionals from federal agencies and state and municipal public agencies . In all, 46 federal, state and municipal institutions participated in Agate 9.

For the head of Joint Operations of the Ministry of Defense, Admiral Ademir Sobrinho, the interoperability between government agencies, public security agencies and the Armed Forces is already consolidated, after the completion of nine editions of Operation Agate. "We must act more intensively next year, in support of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games," said the admiral.

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In an article published on 10/08/2015, Philosophy professor Denis Lerrer Rosenfield states that the protection of Brazilian borders is essential for the maintenance of national sovereignty, the fight against various types of illegality, the country's growth and the guarantee of employment in many sectors of the economy.

Source: O Globo website (10/08)


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