ETCO Informs

Government plans to take 400 people out of informality this year

The tightening in public accounts forecast for this year, due to the zero growth of the economy in 2014 and the crisis that the country faces as a result, has caused the federal government to take several steps to try to recover the cash. Among the sectors that have been the target of actions and measures for this purpose is labor.

When the lights went out in 2014, the government edited and published provisional measures 664 and 665, which tighten the rules for access to unemployment insurance, salary bonus, death pension and sickness benefit. This provoked the reaction of the union centrals that negotiate with the government to date the flexibility of the measures, resorting to all possible instances to prevent the rules from being effectively implemented.

Continuing the measures in the labor area, aiming at the recovery of resources, this week, another government action was announced. The fight against informality in Brazil and the inspection of the Guarantee Fund for Length of Service (FGTS) was launched by the Minister of Labor and Employment, Manoel Dias, on Wednesday (11), with the objective of removing workers from informality and the while fattening public coffers.

Source: Gazeta Digital (13/02)

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Number of formal workers increases almost 60% in 12 years

The number of formal workers with a formal contract increased 59,6% between 2003 and 2014 in the six metropolitan areas surveyed by IBGE (Rio, São Paulo, Recife, Salvador, Belo Horizonte and Porto Alegre), from 7,349 million to 11,731 million of people.

The rate of increase was much more intense than that of the employed population in general, which rose 24,7%, from 18,520 million to 23,087 million people in the same period. The move confirms the trend of formalizing the Brazilian labor market in recent years. The signed portfolio guarantees access to labor rights and is a sign of work with more income and quality.

Source: Jornal do Comércio (05/02)

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Multilevel marketing: commission can vote on a report that regulates activity

The special commission that analyzes the regulation of multilevel marketing (PL 6667/13) can vote this Tuesday (9), at 14:30 pm, on the report prepared by deputy Lourival Mendes (PTdoB-MA) on the subject.

Multilevel marketing is a commercial model for distributing goods or services in which gains can come from selling products or recruiting new salespeople. That is, the reseller who appoints other resellers also earns a percentage on top of those sales.

Source: EBC Portal (9/12)

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Without makeup: the work of a million cosmetics dealers

In her first book, sociologist Ludmila Costhek Abílio, a professor at PUC-Campinas, investigates the work of cosmetic resellers in the Brazilian beauty industry. The starting point of this innovative study is an army of approximately 1 million resellers (equivalent to the population of the city of Campinas-SP), responsible for the commercial success of one of the most important and recognized cosmetics companies in the country, Natura. Anchored in a rich field study, the researcher proposes an original approach to informal women's work within a segment called the Direct Sales System.

In addition to analyzing aspects of production and distribution of the company and the informal economy, the author traces the socioeconomic profile of the resellers, their motivations and how they relate to work and the company. For this, he interviewed from cleaning women to senior executives, to teachers, housewives and even a delegate from the Federal Police, who sells cosmetics in the corporation's own building.

At the end of the research, Ludmila found a certain ambiguity in the relationship of these women with the company, since they begin to sell their products in order to consume them. He also realized that in this dynamic of work, the employer transfers the risks to the resellers, such as customer default, without giving them a guarantee of income, while encouraging them to invest in stocks that may never be sold.

Within the context that makes resellers become lively advertising for products, their personal social capital becomes a means to leverage the company's profits; one of the central points of the discussion raised by the sociologist concerns the indistinities between working and non-working time, the current forms of subjective worker involvement. This blurring of the boundaries between production and consumption, inseparable from social and cultural influences, is a new phenomenon, as is the loss of the centrality of work.

Source: Carta Maior Portal

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