Sector clipping

I must, I don't deny it. But I also don't pay

Slowly, without fanfare, a small company became the star in the fuel distribution market in Rio de Janeiro. The company is called Rodopetro, was founded in 2004 in São Paulo, moved two years later to Rio and today leads ethanol sales in the state. It won powerful competitors such as BR Distribuidora (from Petrobras) and Raizen (merger of the multinationals Shell and Cosan). Of every 4 liters sold at stations in Rio, 1 comes from Rodopetro. There are 250 alcohol carts every month. The company's slogan appears right on the opening page of the website: “Here, ethanol is much cheaper”. And it is. The liter of alcohol sold by Rodopetro costs, on average, R $ 0,35 less than that distributed by its competitors. According to data from the National Petroleum Agency, Rodopetro, even operating only in the State of Rio, already accounts for 1% of the fuel distribution market in Brazil. How does Rodopetro do it?

If the answer had to do with efficiency, it would be an inspiring case of entrepreneurship. The answer seems to be related to another word: evasion. A 2007 state law, created to prevent evasion, determined that distributors must pay their taxes at the time when fuels enter the state - the rate of the Circulation of Goods Tax (ICMS) on ethanol is 24%. Rodopetro went to court and, in 2009, won: it could pay the tax the following month - as was the practice before the law. When paying, Rodopetro simply did not pay. According to the Attorney General of the State of Rio de Janeiro, who is responsible for collecting the debt, the official parrot is R $ 250 million. Not everything is summed up in the survey of prosecutors. The National Syndicate of Distributors, which gathers the large companies in the sector, estimates that, since 2009, Rodopetro has ignored R $ 70 million per year in taxes, for a total of R $ 350 million. That, say competitors, is the only explanation for such low prices.

The prices charged by Rodopetro are similar to those of another distributor, Trim. In February of this year, Trim was even disqualified by the Rio de Janeiro Finance Department for “unfair competition and fraudulent default”. A measure approved last December could lead Rodopetro to the same path. State tax authorities reached an agreement. It is now up to the states to decide sovereignly when taxes should be paid. Last July, Fazenda do Rio issued a decree requiring conditions for the payment of ICMS in the following month. The idea was to close in on evasion. Those who do not meet the conditions have to pay on the road - or alcohol is confiscated.

Collaboration: Sindicom
Source: Revista Época

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Police recover R $ 30 million to Pará

The Civil Police, through the Tax Order Precinct, helped to recover more than R $ 30 million for the State of Pará. It is that those involved, in order not to be indicted and, consequently, prosecuted, prefer to pay or install their tax debts. This is what delegate Paula Nyandra and Souza de Oliveira, holder of the DOT, says. This sum of money refers to the years 2013 and 2014. "These values ​​were recovered during the police investigations initiated, only with the performance of the Judiciary Police (Civil Police)", he explains.

Linked to the Division of Investigations and Special Operations (Dioe), DOT's main task is to investigate the tax crimes provided for in Law 8.137 / 90 involving state and municipal taxes. This law defines crimes against tax, economic and consumer relations. Also according to the delegate, the most common crimes basically consist of omissions and frauds committed in order to reduce or eliminate the amount of the tax. Such infractions are first detected by agents of the State Finance Secretariat (Sefa) at the time of an inspection that results in the drawing up of an Infraction and Tax Notification Notice (AINF).

From then on, the taxpayer can defend itself administratively, challenging the AINF. The civil police officer says it is important to point out that, in most cases, the crime only exists after the completion of the tax administrative process and the registration of the tax credit in active debt, in compliance with the Binding Precedent number 24 of the Supreme Court, which requires the definitive launch of the tax for the crimes provided for in law number 8.137 / 90 so that criminal prosecution can begin. “The investigation basically consists of identifying and locating the people who made up the corporate structure of the assessed company at the time of the inspected period. The aim is to find out who was responsible for the management of society, because, in crimes of this type, those responsible for conducting business are responsible for them ”, says Paula Nyandra.

The investigated are informed that, in the case of full payment of the tax debt, punishment is extinguished. “And, in the case of installments, the punitive claim is suspended. In this way, the Tax Order Precinct helped to recover for the State of Pará, through its inquiries, in the years 2013 and 2014, more than R $ 30 million ”, he reinforces. The Tax Order Precinct is a specialized unit whose constituency is the entire state of Pará. “Thus, it can be imagined that its demand is enormous, as there are many requests from the Public Prosecutor's Office based on the assessments made by Sefa. Thus, the greatest difficulty is in meeting this demand, since our staff is small. We seek to optimize the work, prioritizing cases involving higher tax credits ”, highlights the delegate.

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Source: Portal O Liberal

Invoice ride 2.0

Source: Info Exame (São Paulo - SP) - 22/05/2012

São Paulo - The Brazilian tax asylum offers a vast space for the performance of tax evaders. Only with regard to the tax on the circulation of goods and services (ICMS), each state has its own legislation, with a total of 3.500 rules in constant change.

In recent years, this tangle has become even more complicated with the worsening fiscal war between states and municipalities to attract companies and increase their revenue. It is easy to understand the appetite for ICMS. The tax collection has increased 33% since 2009 and approached 300 billion reais last year.

The main weapon used in the war is the offer to reduce the tax. As a result, there are more than 40 different ICMS rates in the country, varying from 4% to 25%. And what could be good - paying less tax - has become a fertile ground for crime.

The most applied scam is the tour of the invoice. A few years ago, scammers worked on real logistical engineering to defraud: departing from a producing state, goods traveled to states with less tax. The tour served to heat up the bill, registering the product as if it had been produced in the state that charges less tax.

Then, the good returned to the starting point, usually São Paulo, to be consumed. With the creation of the electronic note, a click on the computer became sufficient to issue the document - there are 180 million per month in the country. And then the 2.0 tour was born: the invoice virtually goes to other states, but the product does not move.

To simulate that something was produced in a distant state, just send the note over there and then do the reverse. By magic, the product “changes” in origin. "The difference in ICMS induces the dishonest to simulate a fictitious destiny", says Clóvis Panzarini, former coordinator of the São Paulo Finance Department.

Although some states and some companies can make gains from fraud, the country's economy can only lose. “The fiscal war promotes distortion in investment decisions, raises costs and harms companies that comply with the law,” says economist Paulo Rabello de Castro.

To try to end the war, the federal government is discussing with states the unification of interstate rates - today they are 7% and 12%. But the negotiation should take time. In the meantime, the note tour thrives, as shown in the following three examples, in the ethanol, medicine and steel markets.


Since 2007, to prevent fraud, the government has determined that the country's 16 refineries should centralize the collection of taxes on gasoline and diesel. Ethanol, however, because it is produced in hundreds of plants, has been left out - and has become the preferred target of dishonest distributors.

Fraudsters create distributors in states such as Goiás, where the ICMS rate is lower than that of São Paulo, the main producing state. "The scheme is set up with a company that is legally constituted, but in the name of oranges," says Alísio Vaz, president of the fuel distributors union.

The company only serves to simulate the passage of ethanol and issue the electronic invoice, obtaining the benefit of the lower tax. But only the note travels to Goiás. The fuel goes directly from the producer to service stations that participate in the scheme and, thus, offer ethanol at a low price - taking customers away from competitors who work in the legal sector.

The fraud, however, does not end on the note tour. Over time, fraudsters evade all taxes. When they are fined, they leave the distributor and start again with the name of another orange. Seven companies are currently under investigation - the National Petroleum Agency does not disclose which ones.

Pharmaceutical products

medicines are one of the products most affected by the invoice tour. The existence of 82 pharmacies scattered across the country - 000% of them small - and the sector's tight margins make it easier for the picks to act, as gains in the tax can increase the profit of traders.

Drug fraud is old, but it has recently incorporated technology. Until three years ago, the cargo and the paper invoice were a hit: they traveled from states that are producers, such as São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, where the ICMS is heavier, even, for example, the Federal District, that takes a smaller toll.

Then, the cargo returned to its origin to be sold. Now, with a click on the computer, the electronic note is issued as if the cargo had completed the same path. The new scheme is called a merry-go-round: the bill makes a loop to reach the same place and the load is stopped. "The difference of a few percentage points encourages the wholesale banknote tour," says Ronaldo de Carvalho, owner of the Drogaria São Paulo chain.


Far from decreasing, the fiscal war between the states has evolved with new formats. What has gained more space recently is the offer of specific tax benefits for imported products. In ports like Itajaí, in Santa Catarina, and Vitória, in Espírito Santo, this started to be done to attract cargo from abroad and destined for other states.

Thus, a product that will be sold in São Paulo, instead of landing in Santos, uses a terminal in a state that charges lower ICMS. Companies that clear their imported products at these ports pay a small portion of ICMS to the state and receive a tax credit as if they had fully paid the tax.

The difference is charged to the destination state and turns into profit. In the steel distribution market, this new scenario of the fiscal war is leading to another trade-off: the international invoice tour. Dishonest distributors started to simulate that loads of Brazilian products came from countries like China or Italy.

But, in reality, only the invoice was issued electronically as if the steel had originated abroad. With the operation, the deceivers are able to sell steel at a price up to 8% cheaper than the market average, equivalent to 224 reais per ton.

"Depending on the tax credit obtained by the distributor in the port, the advantage in relation to the price of my product reaches 12%", says a businessman in the sector who asked for anonymity. The solution to end this type of coup is under discussion in the Senate: to define a single ICMS rate for imported goods.

"The port war sponsored by some states requires an urgent solution to end fraud such as the international tour," says Marco Polo Lopes, president of Instituto Aço Brasil.

Sefaz announces reinforcement in the fight against trafficking and tax evasion in Ceará

Source: G1 (Rio de Janeiro - RJ) - 21/05/2012

One of the special operations starts this Tuesday (22).

In addition to scanners to view cargo, tax go to foreign exchange and parties.

The Ceará State Finance Secretariat (Sefaz) announced that it will reinforce the fight against tax evasion, drug and arms trafficking. Sefaz presented on Monday (21) the equipment that will be used in special operations, which will start to be put into practice this Tuesday (22). According to the state finance secretary, Mauro Filho, the first of the special operations will be called “sweeping”, which begins this Tuesday (22), and runs until the end of September.

According to the secretary, one hundred auditors, distributed by the state, will reinforce the inspection in the following points: Pier of the port and port of Pecém, airport of Fortaleza and old terminal, airport of Juazeiro do Norte, sorting center of the post office of Fortaleza, Juazeiro do Norte and Sobral and border tax posts.

The second operation was called "ballad" because it will accompany the distribution of drinks at parties and major events in the capital. The operations are supported by bodies such as the Brazilian Airport Infrastructure Company (Infraero), the Federal Revenue Service, the Federal Police, the Public Ministry and the Public Security Secretariat. "This equipment will serve in the effective fight against arms and drug trafficking in the state of Ceará," evaluated the state public security secretary, Francisco Bezerra.

To reinforce the inspection, R $ 15 million were invested in the purchase of scanner-type equipment that shows, at the time, the weight and nature of the cargo transported by trucks across the state.

The idea is to reduce inspection time and increase the percentage from 12% to 100% of vehicles inspected, according to Sefaz. The first scanner is already working in Tianguá, in the Ibiapaba region, and the second should be installed by August, in the municipality of Penaforte, in southern Ceará. Then, the technology also goes to Crato, in the Cariri region, and Aracati, on the east coast of Ceará.

In addition to these four fixed points, a mobile scanner will be available wherever
complaints. Inside the mobile scanner, in addition to six security cameras around the vehicle, there is also one that does the x-ray of any and all trucks that enter and leave the state.

The scanner operator, Adriano Rocha, shows how it works. “Through this type of system, we are able to distinguish the organic from the inorganic load. In addition to other types of merchandise, which may be in contradiction with the invoice or something, ”he explained.

The purpose of the mobile scanner is to avoid escape by alternative routes, as its destination is not revealed. The Secretary of Finance believes in gaining from new technologies. “This equipment gives an incomparable efficiency in the state of Ceará. It is impossible for you to enter goods that are different from those specified on the invoice ”, he said.

Brewery is the target of tax refusal operation in the interior of SP

Source: RJTV, Bom Dia Rio, Globo Comunidade (Rio de Janeiro - RJ) -16/05/2012

Company would have stopped collecting more than R $ 600 million to the coffers.

Grupo Petrópolis says it will assist in the investigations.

The Secretariat of Finance of the State of São Paulo, the Public Ministry, the Civil Police and the Military Police launched this Wednesday (16) Operation Czar in the region of Sorocaba (SP). The lawsuit aims to combat crime against taxation, in addition to other illicit acts allegedly committed by companies that are part of a large economic group that operates in the beverage segment and is responsible for the Crystal, Itaipava, Lokal and Petra brands.

About 80 public agents were mobilized, including prosecutors, prosecutors for income from the Secretariat of Finance and police from the Civil and Military Police of the State of São Paulo. The agents will carry out search and seizure warrants at a brewery belonging to the Petrópolis Group. The company is located in the city of Boituva (SP). The group's press office issued a note on the matter and says it will assist in the investigations.

With this operation, the intention is to gather evidence that will allow the verification of irregularities and identify those responsible. If it is confirmed that all transfer operations were simulated, the economic group would have stopped paying more than R $ 600 million to the coffers of the State of São Paulo in the period from 2006 to 2011.

According to the investigations, the main São Paulo company in the group would be evading the ICMS due to tax substitution through the performance of simulated beverage transfer operations between the São Paulo establishment and one of its branches, located in another state.

As a manufacturer of a product subject to tax substitution (a situation in which an establishment, usually the industry, collects all the ICMS in the production chain in advance), the company should collect both the ICMS itself, due to its operations, and the incident in the other stages. circulation of goods to the State, that is, the wholesale and retail sales tax.

The purpose of the simulation was to avoid paying the tax for tax substitution, which would be due to the supposed state of destination.

Investigations began in 2011 and it is suspected that numerous beverage distributors inside and outside the state of São Paulo would, in fact, be controlled, in fact, by the economic group itself, in order to hide their participation in the fraudulent scheme.

Documents seized in brewery go on for analysis

Source: SPTV, Good Morning São Paulo, Antena Paulista (São Paulo - SP) - 16/05/2012

The company is being investigated for suspected tax evasion.

Group directors said they would assist the investigations.

Documents seized at Grupo Petrópolis brewery in Boituva (SP) should be analyzed by the Sorocaba Public Ministry and the Finance Department. The material was collected during Operation Czar to carry out search and seizure warrants at the distribution center and at the factory. With that, the unit stopped working and workers were dismissed.

The action mobilized agents from the São Paulo State Finance Department, the Public Ministry, the Civil Police and the Military Police, who spent the day collecting the documents and making copies of the computers' memories. The material can prove the fraud.

According to the prosecutor Welington Veloso, representative of Gaeco (Special Action Group for the Repression of Organized Crime), once these documents have been analyzed and the evasion is proven, the infraction notices must be drawn up. "From then on, there will be the establishment of an administrative proceeding and, only after the end of this administrative and fiscal proceeding, can the possible criminal liability of those involved be analyzed," he says.

SP investigates Petrópolis for suspected tax evasion

Source: Valor Econômico (São Paulo - SP) - 17/05/2012

The Petrópolis group, which produces Itaipava, Crystal and Petra beers, among other labels, is being investigated for suspected tax evasion. The Finance Secretariat of the State of São Paulo estimates that the brewery has failed to pay around R $ 600 million in Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS) in the last five years.

According to the investigations, initiated last year, tax evasion would occur when calculating the tax in the form of tax substitution. Through this type of payment, mandatory for some sectors, a single company collects ICMS in advance throughout the production chain. In the case of the beverage sector, for example, the manufacturer collects the tax from distributors and resellers. The system's objective is to avoid tax evasion. According to information from the Treasury, Petrópolis would have simulated the transfer of beverages sold in São Paulo units to its branches located in another state.

Yesterday, about 80 inspectors from the São Paulo Finance, Public Ministry and Civil and Military police carried out search and seizure warrants in the group's establishments and in beverage distributors in the region of Sorocaba, in the interior of São Paulo. The action was called “Operation Czar”.

Petrópolis informed, in a note signed by its legal director Fernando Jacob Filho, that “it manifests total tranquility and the certainty of its correct conduct in relation to taxes of any origin. From the first moment, the company collaborates with the investigations and opened its doors for the conscious investigation of its conduct totally in accordance with the legislation in force ”. The company added that "this investigative procedure, coincidentally, happens at the moment when Grupo Petrópolis announces its intention to open a new unit in the Northeast".

Also according to the Treasury, "it is suspected that countless beverage distributors inside and outside the State of São Paulo would, in fact, be controlled, in fact, by the economic group itself, in order to hide their participation in the fraudulent scheme".

This is the third time the brewery has been investigated for tax evasion. In 2005, the IRS and the Federal Police carried out an operation at Schincariol, suspected of evading R $ 1 billion. Sales would have been under-invoiced or without invoice. At the time, 70 people were arrested, including businessman Walter Faria, president of the Petrópolis group, which distributed Schincariol. In 2006, during Operation Cerol, the commercial director and partner of Petrópolis, Paulo Henrique Vilela Pedras was arrested on charges of tax evasion.

São Paulo tax authorities investigate owner of Itaipava beer

Source: Folha de S. Paulo (São Paulo - SP) - 17/05/2012

 Petrópolis and distributors would have stopped collecting R $ 600 million
Company says “suspicions were launched without any real evidence” and that it collected taxes correctly


The Petrópolis brewery factory in Boituva, in the interior of São Paulo, and distributors in the region were the target of an operation yesterday to investigate tax evasion.

This is the second time that the Petrópolis group, which owns the beer brands Crystal and Itaipava, is being investigated for alleged crimes against the tax order (read opposite).

The Petrópolis group said, about the operation, that "suspicions were launched without any real evidence".

Named Operation Czar, yesterday's action was attended by 80 inspectors from the State Finance Secretariat, prosecutors from the group for the fight against organized crime (Gaeco) of the Public Ministry and civil and military police.

Investigations began in 2011 and, according to tax authorities, the Petrópolis group would have failed to collect at least R $ 600 million in taxes.

The suspicion is that the company would be evading ICMS when simulating drinks transfers between the factory in the interior of São Paulo and a branch in another state, without highlighting the tax in the tax substitution system. Through the system, the industry collects all the ICMS in the production chain in advance.

"The company should collect both its own ICMS, due to its operations, as well as the incident in the other stages of the circulation of goods to the State, that is, the wholesale and retail sales tax", says the Finance, in a statement.

"The purpose of the simulation was to avoid paying the tax for tax substitution and which would be due to the supposed State of destination."

In a note, the legal director of the Petrópolis group, Fernando Jacob Filho, says that the group is “sure of its correct conduct in relation to taxes of any origin” and that the investigation takes place when “the group announces its intention to open a new unit in the Northeast".