
The results of X ENAT

Tax administrators signed 12 protocols and a resolution to reduce tax evasion and simplify the tax collection system

Tax administration is the area of ​​governments that takes care of the intelligence and procedures that guide the collection of taxes. Little publicized in the country, the work of professionals in this area of ​​public power has a huge impact both on tax collection and bureaucracy for taxpayers and on the competitive environment. In October, tax administrators from the three spheres of the federation - federal, state and municipal - met in São Paulo, for four days, to share experiences and develop joint action projects.

The X ENAT-National Meeting of Tax Administrators was held from October 20 to 23 at the São Paulo headquarters of the Ministry of Finance, located in the center of the capital. The event was supported by ETCO-Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition, which also set up a stand on the site to publicize its work and seek opportunities for partnership with the participants. About 280 professionals from the Federal Revenue Service, from the state finance departments and the municipal finance departments from all over the country participated in the meeting.

Signed protocols

Tax administrators divided into thematic groups that prepared 12 cooperation protocols and a resolution, which were signed by the main representatives of the revenue agencies. The list includes projects for tax simplification, foreign trade, tax education, standardization of electronic invoices for services and improvement of inspection. The event website features a summary of protocols.

The closure of the X ENAT was attended by the Minister of Finance, Joaquim Levy, who praised the work and spoke about its impacts on the country's economy.

At the same ceremony, the Secretary of Federal Revenue, Jorge Rachid, spoke of the importance of the event, which has been held since 2003. “It is good that we always remember the results that meetings of this nature have provided for the business environment”, he said, citing as example the creation of the Nota Fiscal Eletrônica, a project that was supported by ETCO.

Partnership with the Institute

Before the event, Rachid spoke about the importance of ETCO's support: “Partnerships with institutions and entities that act according to the constitutional principles that govern the work of public administration and also the values ​​that guide the work of the Federal Revenue are important , such as respect for the citizen, integrity, professionalism and transparency ”.

The Finance Secretary of the State of São Paulo, Renato Villela, emphasized the role of ENAT in improving the Brazilian business environment. "We understand our responsibility as fiscal and financial authorities in the sense of the need and obligation to provide resources to support the public policies of the Union, the states and the municipalities," he said. "But we also have to be careful to do this in a less intrusive, less invasive way and with less obligations and friction with taxpayers."

Villela also commented on the partnership with ETCO: “The Institute has always positioned itself as a partner in initiatives to strengthen the Brazilian tax administration. By supporting X ENAT, ETCO promotes the development of administrations and brings Brazilian practice closer to those adopted on the international stage, which contributes to state activity and the whole of society ”.

During a break from the event, ETCO's executive president, Evandro Guimarães, made a presentation to tax administrators interested in learning more about the Institute's work. "We are open to partnerships that aim to reduce tax evasion, simplify the tax system and improve the business environment", he summarized.


Closing plenary of X ENAT, with Joaquim Levy, Jorge Rachid and Renato Villela
Closing plenary of X ENAT, with Joaquim Levy, Jorge Rachid and Renato Villela
The ETCO booth at the event: partnership with tax administrators
The ETCO booth at the event: partnership with tax administrators