Combating Smuggling, Piracy and Counterfeiting


ETCO participates in initiatives to suppress these forms of illegal trade which endanger the health of the population and harm companies that operate within the law.


  • Piracy CPI, by Luiz Antonio de Medeiros. Editora Geração, 2005.
    The story of how Congressman Luiz Antonio de Medeiros defeated smuggling and counterfeiting of products in Brazil, with the cinematic prison of smuggler Law Kin Chong is the theme of the third volume of the História Agora collection. In his book, Mr Medeiros tells about the work of the CPI and the investigations are conducted in partnership with the Federal Police, which made it possible to dismantle criminal organizations and led the public to debate the damage caused by smuggling and counterfeiting. . The CPI sought to capture the 'sharks', that is, the heads of organized crime, linked to money laundering and drug trafficking, who commanded (and, according to Medeiros, unfortunately still do) the smuggling, tax evasion and fraud machine . Medeiros says that, lifting this veil, it was discovered that organized crime does not only deal with smuggling and piracy, but also finances other activities, such as money laundering from drug trafficking and the financing of terrorist groups.
  • Piracy not here !, by Adeli Sell. Editora Kad, 2004.
    Extraordinary account of fearless public administrator, Adeli Sell who describes in simple and didactic texts, the difficult task of freeing our capital from illegal activities.
  • Illicit: The Attack on Piracy, Money Laundering and Trafficking, by Moisés Naím. Editora Jorge Zahar, 2006.
    Attack on Piracy, Money Laundering and Trafficking in the Global Economy. The global networks of illegal trade in arms, drugs, human organs, immigrants, counterfeit goods, prostitutes, stolen art, in addition to terrorism and money laundering are today a consolidated part of the international economy and turn over hundreds of billions of dollars a year. In this book, Moisés Naím, carries out a detailed and pioneering investigation on a little-known side of globalization: illicit activities. Smugglers, drug dealers and pirates have always existed, but never with such great economic power.
  • How to Avoid Piracy and Coexistence Fraud, by Antonio Loureiro Gil. Atlas Publisher, 1998.
    This book deals with practices and techniques for prevention, detection and correction / punishment in situations of aggression against intangible assets - practices and information - of organizations. It focuses on the life cycle of fraud, examples of fraud, piracy and collusion, aspects of motivation, causes, operational weaknesses and consequences. Summary - Reality of Society, Business, Risks of Private and Governmental Organizations (in terms of Operational, Commercial, Accounting and Financial Management, IT and Outsourcing), How to Avoid Involvement.
  • Piracy: untie this knot, by Julia Lopes. Editora Futura, 2006.
    Piracy: Untying this knot brings together ten essays by Mr Julio Lopes on various aspects of counterfeiting and smuggling of goods, the violation of intellectual property and the dynamics of the informal economy in our country.
  • Studies to Combat Piracy in Honor of Judge Luiz Fernando Gama Pellegrini, by Eduardo Salles Pimenta. Editora Letras Jurídicas, 2011.
    The book presents to the national legal scene the exposure of researchers about the preventive and repressive vision, about the socio-legal and economic plan of the issue. Notorious are actions that violate copyrights practiced by unauthorized use, as well as the excess in the exercise of rights practiced by representatives of authors or copyright holders.
    Piracy is provided for by Decree 5. 244/2004, which in the sole paragraph of its Article 1 defines it as violating Law 9.609 and Law 9.6. The breadth of actions to typify the act of piracy reaches the use, among other creations, of audiovisual works, software, works of plastic arts, music and texts, in analog or digital language.
    In this study are found the reflections of Doctors, Masters, Graduates and Leaders of Associative Entities, who confront the fact to the law and point out their reflexes.
    It is an excellent source of consultation for all those who, working in the legal area or in all other areas related to intellectual property, are committed to fighting piracy, placing the Author / Creator above his work and as a fundamental and of the cultural evolution of any society that aims to develop legally.
  • Illegal Culture: the Moral Borders of Piracy, by Arthur Coelho Bezerra. Editora Mauad, 2014.
    Based on research work with young consumers, pirated media traders and associations that defend copyright laws, the book discusses the circulation of cultural goods in digital networks and in clandestine street markets, in view of the condition of illegality. sharing, buying and selling unauthorized copies.