Seminar discusses relationship between Judiciary and competition defense


The legal community will be able to participate free of charge in the scientific seminar on Competition Law and the Judiciary, on June 3 and 4, in Brasília

After one year of Law 12.529 / 11, the Center for the Study of Economic and Social Law (Cedes) will promote, on June 3 and 4, the scientific seminar on Competition Law and the Judiciary, which will allow the exchange of knowledge between scholars from academia, the public sector and the private sector.

Participation in the event is free, promoted in partnership with the Administrative Committee for Economic Defense (Cade), the Association of Federal Judges (Ajufe) and the Judicial Studies Center of the Federal Justice Council (CEJ / CJF).

The seminar, which will have the participation of ministers, magistrates, prosecutors, teachers and specialists, aims to provide an exchange of knowledge and perspectives between the technicians of the competition defense system in Brazil and the magistrates who, at different times, face processes judicial issues related to Law 12.529 / 11.

Registration is open until May 29. Reservation is required. Interested parties can arrange pre-registration at CEJ / CJF Development Portal.

Data: June 3 and 4 - from 8:30 am to 17:45 pm

Location: CJF Auditorium in Brasília - South Sports Clubs Sector - SCES - Section III - Polo 8 - Lote 9 - Brasília / DF

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