ETCO's work is guided and supervised by councils that bring together names from the business sector, lawyers, intellectuals and leaders from various sectors committed to the defense of ethics.

The Advisory Board inspires the Institute through meetings that address major issues related to the business environment and competitive ethics.

The Board of Directors works with the executive board to define and supervise the strategic objectives and projects developed by ETCO, including the allocation of resources.

The Institute's financial statements are audited by the Supervisory Board and an independent auditor.


Executive Board

Executive president: Edson Vismona

He is a lawyer, graduated and post-graduated by the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo, specializing in commercial defense and consumer law. He was Secretary of Justice and Defense of Citizenship of the State of São Paulo (2000/2002); National Secretary for Agrarian Reform (2002). Founder and President of the Brazilian Association of Ombudsmen / Ombudsman - ABO, he is a member of the National Council to Combat Piracy (CNCP), of the Commission to Combat Piracy of the OAB / SP - Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo section and of the Council of Ethics of the Instituto Ética-Saúde. He is president of FNCP (National Forum Against Piracy and Illegality, since 2009.

Executive manager: Andrea Lopes

Board of Directors

President: Delcio Sandi

Delcio Sandi is an Agronomist and holds a Masters and Doctorate in Food Science and Technology. He was a university professor and in 2004 he joined BAT Brasil (formerly Souza Cruz) to give scientific support to the legal and Corporate Affairs areas. After an international experience, he started working directly in the Corporate Affairs Area with a focus on the regulatory area. In 2008 he assumed the leadership of the Government Relations area and in 2019, the Company's External Relations Department. He has been a member of ETCO since 2018, was Director of ABRIG, is President of the Council for Competitiveness, Business Environment and Safety at ACRJ; Vice-President of CIRJ (Council of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro), President of SINDIFUMO/SP, delegate of SINDIFUMO/RJ at FIRJAN, Director of AMCHAM/RJ and member of the Board of Directors of ACRJ.



Antonio Ferreira Martins

Carlo Faccio
Marcelo Deble Joaquim

consulting board

President: Everardo Maciel

He is a legal consultant and professor at the Brasiliense Institute of Public Law. He was Secretary of Finance, Planning and Education of Pernambuco, Secretary of Finance and Planning of the Federal District, Executive Secretary of the Ministries of Education, of the Civil House, of the Interior (today National Integration) and of Finance, Secretary of the Federal Revenue, in addition to having held the positions of Minister of Education, Interior and Finance on an interim basis. He also taught at private academic institutions and participated in missions of United Nations organizations.

Advisory Advisers

Alexandre Kruel Jobim André Franco Montoro Filho
Aristides Junqueira Alvarenga
Carlos Ivan Simonsen Leal
Celso lafer
Ellen Gracie Northfleet
Evandro Guimaraes
Gesner Oliveira
Hamilton Dias de Souza
Hoche Pulcherio
João Grandino Rodas
Jorge Luiz Oliveira
Jorge Raimundo Filho
Leonardo Gadotti Filho
Luiz Fernando Furlan Marcílio Marques Moreira Marco Greco Maria Tereza Aina Sadek
Nelson Jobim
Robert Abdenur
Roberto Faldini
Tercio Sampaio Ferraz Júnior
Theo van der Loo
Victoria de Marchi

Fiscal Board

Juliana Paranhos Vicente Figueiredo Soria


Cristina Costa Fabio Silva Alves