ABES and BSA launch Software Piracy Reporting Portal
On November 6, the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES) and The Software Alliance (BSA) launched the Software Piracy Reporting Portal, focusing on companies and resellers that use or market programs without proper licensing.
In Brazil, the current piracy rate is considered alarming. According to data from the BSA, for every ten programs purchased or downloaded over the internet in Brazil, more than five are obtained illegally. It is estimated that, if the piracy rate decreased by 10 percentage points in the next four years (from the current 53% to 43%), almost R $ 8 billion would be added to the industry's revenue, of which 74% would remain in the country (R $ 5,8 billion). In addition, this reduction would allow the creation of more than 12 thousand jobs in the sector.
According to Gérson Schmitt, president of ABES, this initiative is important to promote fair competition and contribute to the growth of Brazil. “When we reduce piracy, we create jobs, contribute to the country's economic development and improve the image of Brazilian companies on the world stage”, says Schmitt.
For the president of BSA in Brazil, Frank Caramuru, “companies must maintain control of their software assets and resellers must ensure that they are only selling original products, as irregularities involve imprisonment for 1 to 4 years, fine and indemnity that can reach three thousand times the value of each software ”. The expectation is that this portal will directly contribute to the reduction of software piracy in Brazil.
Reports are anonymous and must be forwarded through the website www.denuciepirataria.org.br. They will be investigated by the two associations and, if there is an indication of irregularity, necessary measures will be taken to ensure that cases are resolved quickly. "We can inform software manufacturers and local authorities, in addition to filing lawsuits to ensure that Brazil's software law is respected," says Caramuru. (With information from ABES Advisory).