House approves project that requires value of taxes on the invoice


Source: Folha de São Paulo - 14/11/2012


Proposal, approved against the will of the government, now goes to the sanction of Dilma Rousseff

Project emerged from 1,5 million signatures and foresees that nine taxes are broken down in the note


Against the will of the government, the Chamber approved a bill yesterday that obliges traders to inform in the invoices the value of federal, state and municipal taxes that affect the price of goods or services.

As it has already been approved in the Senate, the proposal follows for the sanction of President Dilma Rousseff.

Government leaders took a stand against approving the project.

Arlindo Chinaglia (PT-SP), government leader in the Chamber, said that the approval of the proposal does not guarantee that there will be no vetoes from the president. "There is no commitment to presidential sanction," he said.

The project, which was stopped for five years in Congress, finds resistance in the Federal Revenue Service, as Sheet in a report on October 28.

“This project came from an organized civil society movement, spearheaded by trade associations, and collected more than 1,5 million signatures. These signatures were placed here in the National Congress and, as a matter of strategy, for a faster approval ”, said PSD leader Guilherme Campos (SP).

According to the proposal, authored by Senator Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL), the information on the values ​​of the taxes must appear on a panel posted in a visible place of the establishment.

In all, nine taxes should be itemized in the invoices: ICMS, ISS, IPI, IOF, IR, CSLL, PIS / Pasep, Cofins and Cide.

According to tax lawyer Ives Gandra Martins, what the project proposes is to regulate what has been in the Constitution since 1988.