Police recover R $ 30 million to Pará


The Civil Police, through the Tax Order Precinct, helped to recover more than R $ 30 million for the State of Pará. It is that those involved, in order not to be indicted and, consequently, prosecuted, prefer to pay or install their tax debts. This is what delegate Paula Nyandra and Souza de Oliveira, holder of the DOT, says. This sum of money refers to the years 2013 and 2014. "These values ​​were recovered during the police investigations initiated, only with the performance of the Judiciary Police (Civil Police)", he explains.

Linked to the Division of Investigations and Special Operations (Dioe), DOT's main task is to investigate the tax crimes provided for in Law 8.137 / 90 involving state and municipal taxes. This law defines crimes against tax, economic and consumer relations. Also according to the delegate, the most common crimes basically consist of omissions and frauds committed in order to reduce or eliminate the amount of the tax. Such infractions are first detected by agents of the State Finance Secretariat (Sefa) at the time of an inspection that results in the drawing up of an Infraction and Tax Notification Notice (AINF).

From then on, the taxpayer can defend itself administratively, challenging the AINF. The civil police officer says it is important to point out that, in most cases, the crime only exists after the completion of the tax administrative process and the registration of the tax credit in active debt, in compliance with the Binding Precedent number 24 of the Supreme Court, which requires the definitive launch of the tax for the crimes provided for in law number 8.137 / 90 so that criminal prosecution can begin. “The investigation basically consists of identifying and locating the people who made up the corporate structure of the assessed company at the time of the inspected period. The aim is to find out who was responsible for the management of society, because, in crimes of this type, those responsible for conducting business are responsible for them ”, says Paula Nyandra.

The investigated are informed that, in the case of full payment of the tax debt, punishment is extinguished. “And, in the case of installments, the punitive claim is suspended. In this way, the Tax Order Precinct helped to recover for the State of Pará, through its inquiries, in the years 2013 and 2014, more than R $ 30 million ”, he reinforces. The Tax Order Precinct is a specialized unit whose constituency is the entire state of Pará. “Thus, it can be imagined that its demand is enormous, as there are many requests from the Public Prosecutor's Office based on the assessments made by Sefa. Thus, the greatest difficulty is in meeting this demand, since our staff is small. We seek to optimize the work, prioritizing cases involving higher tax credits ”, highlights the delegate.

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Source: Portal O Liberal