Police action reduces gas adulteration
Source: Gás Brasil - SP - FUELS - 08/10/2009
According to information from the National Petroleum Agency (ANP), the attacks on crime in the area had an effect and reduced the incidence of illegal fuel in São Paulo. “In 2007, 11% of all gasoline sold in São Paulo was adulterated (results obtained with sample analyzes). After more than two years of continuous operations, we reduced this percentage to 1,8% ”, says Alcides Amazonas, head of inspection at the ANP in the State of São Paulo. According to him, 200 posts have already been closed by the task force. “The fuel is better and more protected. But, if we let our guard down, the alcohol and gas fraudsters are back in action. Continuity of operations is necessary ”, he guaranteed.
In addition to the ANP, the São Paulo Institute of Weights and Measures (Ipem) also participates in inspection blitze of gas stations and alcohol. According to the institute, in the first half of this year 283 establishments were fined for supplying less than what was registered in the pumps, broken seals and electromechanical failures. According to Ipem, fuel pumps led the ranking of complaints in the agency's Ombudsman - which inspects various products, from toilet paper to toys, fruits and vegetables -, with 282 complaints in the first half (more than one per day), which resulted 27 infraction notices.
The same offensive to remove adulterated fuel from the market is now promised to stop the diversion of CNG. For now, fraud is not widespread. In the entire state of São Paulo, according to information from the Brazilian CNG Association, there are 466 service stations that sell natural gas. The 19 posts caught making detours represent 4% of this total.
But the State Prosecutor's Office also creates spreadsheets with information that provides estimates of how many establishments may be involved in this type of crime. When the first task force took place, in November last year, it was estimated that one in three stations (33%) showed signs that it could be involved in adulteration schemes for fuel regulation equipment.
"This number (estimate) is fluctuating and this is because some of the fraud mechanisms are portable (that is, they can be placed and removed from the bomb, which prevents the flagrant of diversion)", says the promoter of the Special Action Group of Repression of Organized Crime (Gaeco) of the Public Ministry of São Paulo, Luiz Henrique Cardoso Dal Poz. “Therefore, the monitoring has to be constant.”
Police action reduces gas adulteration
Source: The State of S. Paulo - SP - CAPA - 06/10/2009
While the diversion of vehicular natural gas (CNG) appears as the most recent modality among criminals who work at gas stations, “naming” gasoline and alcohol is already a much better known fraud. According to information from the National Petroleum Agency (ANP), the attacks on crime in the area had an effect and reduced the incidence of illegal fuel in São Paulo.
“In 2007, 11% of all gasoline sold in São Paulo was adulterated (results obtained with sample analyzes). After more than two years of continuous operations, we reduced this percentage to 1,8% ”, says Alcides Amazonas, head of inspection at the ANP in the State of São Paulo.
According to him, 200 posts have already been closed by the task force. “The fuel is better and more protected. But, if we let our guard down, the alcohol and gas fraudsters are back in action. Continuity of operations is necessary ”, he guaranteed.
In addition to the ANP, the São Paulo Institute of Weights and Measures (Ipem) also participates in inspection blitze of gas stations and alcohol. According to the institute, in the first half of this year 283 establishments were fined for supplying less than what was registered in the pumps, broken seals and electromechanical failures. According to Ipem, fuel pumps led the ranking of complaints in the agency's Ombudsman - which inspects various products, from toilet paper to toys, fruits and vegetables -, with 282 complaints in the first half (more than one per day), which resulted 27 infraction notices.
The same offensive to remove adulterated fuel from the market is now promised to stop the diversion of CNG. For now, fraud is not widespread. In the entire state of São Paulo, according to information from the Brazilian CNG Association, there are 466 service stations that sell natural gas. The 19 posts caught making detours represent 4% of this total.
But the State Prosecutor's Office also creates spreadsheets with information that provides estimates of how many establishments may be involved in this type of crime. When the first task force took place, in November last year, it was estimated that one in three stations (33%) showed signs that it could be involved in adulteration schemes for fuel regulation equipment.
"This number (estimate) is fluctuating and this is because some of the fraud mechanisms are portable (that is, they can be placed and removed from the bomb, which prevents the flagrant of diversion)", says the promoter of the Special Action Group of Repression of Organized Crime (Gaeco) of the Public Ministry of São Paulo, Luiz Henrique Cardoso Dal Poz. “Therefore, the monitoring has to be constant.”