In addition to the made in…


Author: Artur Rezende Fernandes *

Source: Diário Catarinense - Florianópolis / SC - 15/07/2010

Besides made in…, by Artur Rezende Fernandes *

In the first quarter of 2010, Brazil increased by 3,8% in the value of imports, according to data from the World Trade Organization (WTO). This index reflects the heating of the Brazilian economy, as well as the opportunity for companies to grow, with the increase in the range or type of products offered. Even with these figures, there is still a hint of prejudice when it comes to purchasing some products that come from abroad, especially from China. We live under the aegis that everything that is produced there has no proven quality. And today it is impossible to ensure that, when we acquire a durable consumer good, such as electronics and appliances, it will not have at least one component necessary for production that is manufactured there. In 2005, there were 12 companies that bought, in products, more than US $ 50 million from China; in 2009 the number reached 41. These organizations bring what many people want to acquire: technology in electronics and other inputs.

Take the test, observe the manuals of digital machines, cell phones, laptops, Christmas products and other electronic equipment from expensive brands and major manufacturers. Check that, for the most part, you will always have the words “Made in China”. The manufacture of products in East Asian territory is not restricted to electronics. There are cars from major automakers, such as Ford, Audi and BMW, which are manufactured, too, in China. Some inputs needed for civil construction are also imported, such as sanitary metals, hydraulic materials, lamps, among others. The presence of so many products shows us that the limits of the production of a chain do not exist and, for now, should reduce prejudices and still reduce the amounts of taxes paid to the government. The quality that many seek is beyond made in.

What each consumer must observe, both the end and the person responsible for the import, is piracy, which is nothing more than unfair and ruinous competition for companies that invest in technology and qualified labor. Loyal organizations that invest in true import methods, tests and studies that guarantee the safety of the product that is marketed.