Alert that part of the narcotraffic moves to counterfeit medicines


Source: La República - Peru - 10/09/2009

Drug traffickers are experiencing counterfeit medicines, as this is a more “profitable” activity and lacks effective sanctions, alerting the holder of the Directorate of Medicines, Supplies and Drugs (Digemid) of the Ministerio de Salud, Víctor Dongo.

During his participation in the III International Forum of Lucha against the Illegal Trade in Pharmaceutical Products and the Macro Macro Lima Region, it was stated that the lack of more drastic laws would be causing this phenomenon, and despite the operations and decompositions that carry out these illegal actions that attempt against the health of the population, for not counting on more modern legislation.

For his part, the deputy minister of Salud, Dr. Melitón Arce, to open the event, highlighting that the beginning of universal security is something that the whole country has been waiting for; and that will allow a more effective fight against illegal drug trade.

In his intervention, Dongo Zegarra further indicated that 284 decomposition operations were carried out in Lima and some regions, in which 194 thousand adulterated products were defeated, expired and smuggled, in addition to being in poor storage conditions. .

Among the pharmaceutical products that are more counterfeit are analgesics and antibiotics, and the presentation that is more adulterated on tablets, which represents 70% in this problem.

The official suspects that despite the destruction of tons of these drugs, the problem will not stop any more drastic laws against those who try to attack the health of the community.

As such, it is emphasized that the meeting of the Salud del Congreso committee will be held again in order to allow penalties in children under four years of imprisonment, according to the gravity of the crime, they may be between the years and 10 years, and themselves someone's death occurred because he used these counterfeit drugs, the penalty could go to 20 years of imprisonment.

It was stated that the objective of effectively combating illegal trade in pharmaceutical products was to drive various organizations, such as Counterphalmology, to watch over the life and survival of many people.