André Franco Montoro Filho is one of the speakers at an event on the future of the judiciary in Brazil
Source: Maxpress, 26/03/2008
On the 27th, André Franco Montoro Filho will give a lecture at the seminar The Fundamentals and the Future of the Judiciary in Brazil, promoted in Rio de Janeiro by the Federal Regional Magistracy School. Professor André Montoro will debate the importance of the efficiency of the Judiciary for the good functioning of the economy. Aimed at federal magistrates, prosecutors, legal operators, judiciary servants, lawyers, students and other interested parties, the event will promote a reflection on the principles and roles of the Brazilian judiciary and on what society expects from this institution.
The Fundamentals and the Future of the Judiciary in Brazil
Date: 27/3/08, Thursday
Time: from 9h to 18h15
Location: Auditorium of the Federal Regional Court
Address: Rua Acre, 80, 3º andar - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Free registration by phone (21) 2276-8599, by email or through the website
From 9 to 10
Guilherme Diefenthaler - federal judge
André Fontes - federal judge and general director of Emarf
Guiding Principles of the First School of Magistrates in Brazil
Cristóvam Daiello Moreira - judge TJ / RS
10:45 am to 11:XNUMX am Break
11:12 am to 45:1 pm Panel XNUMX - Justice, Democracy and Population Desires
Pressure for Results and the Judge
William Douglas Resinente dos Santos - federal judge
Ethics of the Judiciary and its Operators
Elizabeth Leão - federal judge of the judicial section of São Paulo
12:45 pm to 14:30 pm Lunch
14:30 pm to 16:15 pm Panel 2 - What does the Client Expect from the Judge?
What do Society and Consumers Expect from the Judiciary?
Marcos Rodrigues Diegues - legal manager of Idec
The Good Functioning of the Economy Depends on the Efficiency of the Judiciary
André Franco Montoro Filho - executive president of Etco
16:45 pm to 16:30 pm Break
16:30 pm to 18:15 pm Panel 3 - What Does the Future Expect from the Judiciary?
Ana Paula de Barcellos - lawyer and associate professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro
Eugênio Rosa de Araújo - federal judge