Anvisa launches primer on counterfeit medicines


Source: Diário MS - MS, 06/07/2009

Pharmaceutical products

Booklet alerts the population on how to avoid buying counterfeit medicine To prevent and combat the use by the Brazilian population of counterfeit drugs, the Department of Consumer Protection and Defense of the Ministry of Justice and Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency) launched a booklet with information on the topic. The publication warns about precautions that the consumer must take to avoid buying fake drugs or without marketing authorization.

For original medicines, for example, the product packaging must inform the material registration (a 9 to 13 digit code that always starts with the number 1); the packaging must be sealed and in good condition; and the number of the Customer Service Department (SAC) must be present, among other determinations.

Another warning: never buy drugs at fairs, street vendors and online. Marketing must be done by pharmacies and drugstores authorized by the agency. According to the document, the most commercialized and / or apprehended counterfeit drugs are those for sexual dysfunction, weight loss, anabolic steroids and drugs with an abortive effect.

The work being done by the Brazilian authorities in the area is internationally recognized. The country is the coordinator of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO / WHO) Anti-Counterfeiting Drug Working Group.
In addition to DPDC and Anvisa, the actions have the collaboration of the Federal, Civil and Federal Highway Police and the Federal Revenue Service. Information and complaints can be made by calling 0800 61 1997 or by email