Business environment is fundamental for companies


Source: JB Online - Rio de Janeiro / RJ - 25/03/2010

SÃO PAULO, March 25, 2010 - A good business environment is fundamental for the development of companies and the country. “The success of productive activities and economic growth depend on institutions, rules, uses and customs, which provide appropriate incentives, creating a good business environment. Deviations in conduct, such as tax evasion or informality, generate competition imbalances, stimulate opportunistic behaviors and reduce growth ”, says André Franco Montoro Filho, president of the Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition (ETCO).

According to Montoro, only the State has the right to police, however, if it does not fulfill its role, someone will occupy its space, as rules of coexistence are of great need. “Companies and the population can collaborate, voluntarily respecting the rules. This will allow for less bureaucracy, reduce public spending and improve the business environment. If there was a culture of respect, there would be no need for so much bureaucracy in order to check all the processes, making it very difficult to carry out the work, ”he said.

Fabio Basso, director of Strategic Planning at SagaxMK and president of the Marketing Committee of Amcham Brasil - Campinas, highlighted that advertising is an area that must comply with laws and regulations. It is not a nobody's land, where many people use the precept of democracy to say what they want, regardless of the rights of others.

One of the main reasons why advertising is frowned upon by the general public, explained Basso, is due to the fact that people tend to expect the same impartiality from the advertiser that should come from a journalist, for example. "Being partial is not an excuse to put ethics on the back burner or simply to forget about it," he guaranteed.

Other relevant points were highlighted at the 1st Brazilian Congress of Ethics in Business, which was attended by around 300 participants and discussed issues such as communication, advertising, ethics and corporate transparency.

(MLC - Agência IN)