Benefits of respecting intellectual property for the economy was the subject of an Etco workshop
Source: ETCO, 27/06/2008
On the 18th, Wednesday, the Brazilian Institute of Competition Ethics (ETCO)
promoted in Brasilia an event that discussed the benefits that respect for
intellectual property brings to the economy. The meeting was an initiative of
ETCO Technology Chamber, created in 2007, and featured lectures by
important experts, such as: Jorge Ávila, President of the National Institute
Industrial Property; Juliana Viegas, President of the Brazilian Association
of Intellectual Property and Jorge Raimundo Filho, Chairman of the Board
Interfarma Advisory Board. ETCO Executive President André Franco Montoro
Filho discussed the topic with the guests. “Respect for intellectual property
stimulates innovation, which is the engine of economic development, ”says André Montoro.