III Brazilian Congress of Public Control starts tomorrow in Salvador
Source: State Law - Salvador / BA - 23/11/2010
Public Ethics and Development will be the central theme of the debates of the III Brazilian Congress of Public Control to be held at the Bahia Othon Palace Hotel, in Salvador, between the next 24th to the 26th of November. The event is a promotion of the Brazilian Institute of Public Law that has the institutional support of the Advocacy General of the Union. There is no doubt that public control has economic repercussions and affects the development of the country, so the congress intends to debate not only compliance the legal forms and procedures, as well as the performance evaluation of State bodies and entities and the effective application of public resources. Ministers Luis Inácio Lucena Adams (AGU) and Cármen Lúcia Antunes Rocha (STF) have already confirmed their presence at the event. More detailed information and registration can be found on the website www.direitodoestado.com.br/cp or by calling 08007075246 / (71) 2101-5246.
Public control has specificities that are rarely dealt with comprehensively. For this reason, the congress proposes to discuss topics such as the economic repercussions of the protection of public ethics, the requirement of legal security and stability of the decisions of the control bodies, the representation of interests and the conflict of interests in public administration, the ten years of the law of fiscal responsibility, control in bids and contracts, among other matters that are evident today.
To address this theme, the event will bring together renowned public agents and some of the most outstanding experts in the country for a pluralistic and comprehensive assessment of the role of public control in Brazil at the federal, state and municipal levels, such as Minister Eliana Calmon (DF), Luiz Navarro de Britto Filho (DF), Luiz Alberto dos Santos (DF), Márcio Cammarosano (SP), Luciano Ferraz (MG), Marcelo Siqueira Freitas (DF), Alexandre Aragão (RJ), André Franco Montoro Filho (SP), Dalmo Abreu Dallari (SP), Paulo Modesto (BA), among others.