Drug tracking benefits public health
Author: André Franco Montoro Filho
Source: Maxpress, 09/05/2008
One of the great harms of informality present in the medication sector is to expose public health to risks. The dangers and losses resulting from drugs not manufactured in accordance with the standards and procedures adopted by the controlling bodies are incalculable.
Medicines manufactured without proper control, instead of curing, can even kill. Even if the extreme case does not occur, this type of medication can become ineffective, which delays and makes treatment costs more expensive. Therefore, the first major benefit of implementing the drug tracking system is the guarantee that public health will have access to products manufactured correctly, according to production rules that ensure their quality.
The second major benefit will be a significant reduction in unfair competition. Tax evasion and illegal drug sales do not only harm the state, but also companies that pay taxes correctly. For companies, the system will also bring operational gains, in addition to reducing losses caused by cargo theft, which increase the costs of transport logistics and insurance.
For several years, international organizations and Brazilian governmental bodies linked to the health area have discussed the harmful effects of these practices on the pharmaceutical market and are looking for ways to improve enforcement. The obvious path is to use information technology in the process. The search for a tracking system is a priority to strengthen the inspection and control tools of the drug chain and an important step to correct irregularities.
The support of the Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition for the drug tracking system aims to combat fraud, counterfeiting and tax evasion in the sector.
André Franco Montoro Filho is executive president of Etco - Brazilian Institute of Competition Ethics