Seminar presents drug traceability project
Source: ABSO - SP - 29/10/2009
In order to disseminate the results obtained in the Pilot Project of the Medicines Traceability and Authenticity System, the Brazilian Institute of Competitive Ethics (ETCO) held on October 22 at the Caesar Park & Business Faria Lima in the city of São Paulo, seminar on the new traceability system, which aims to inhibit and supervise unethical competition practices, allowing inspection agents to verify the origin and authenticity of each medicine.
Thus, cargo theft, diversion of products, accidents or incidents during transport can be detected. With the total implantation of the system, in any part of the pharmaceutical chain it will be possible to verify if the medicine is genuine or not. The consumer will also benefit, since he will be able to verify the authenticity of the purchased medicine.
Law 11.903 / 2009 also provides that the system will have to be fully implemented within three years. At the end of this period, drug control in Brazil should reach levels of excellence, ensuring, in addition to traceability, effective monitoring of drug use and prescription.
Entrepreneur from Rio Grande do Sul Luiz Fernando Buainain, CEO of Distribuidora Brasil de Medicamentos, participated in the event. Buainain is president of ABAFARMA - Brazilian Association of Wholesale Pharmaceuticals, one of the entities participating in the preparation of the pilot project for the drug traceability system. ABAFARMA is responsible for 80% of the GDP of pharmaceutical distribution in the country and this year - from January to August - has already earned R $ 10,5 billion.
Seminar presents drug traceability project
Source: CapitalNews - MS - 28/10/2009
In order to disseminate the results obtained in the Pilot Project of the Medicines Traceability and Authenticity System, the Brazilian Institute of Competitive Ethics (ETCO) held on October 22 at the Caesar Park & Business Faria Lima in the city of São Paulo, seminar on the new traceability system, which aims to inhibit and supervise unethical competition practices, allowing inspection agents to verify the origin and authenticity of each medicine.
Thus, cargo theft, diversion of products, accidents or incidents during transport can be detected. With the total implantation of the system, in any part of the pharmaceutical chain it will be possible to verify if the medicine is genuine or not. The consumer will also benefit, since he will be able to verify the authenticity of the purchased medicine.
Law 11.903 / 2009 also provides that the system will have to be fully implemented within three years. At the end of this period, drug control in Brazil should reach levels of excellence, ensuring, in addition to traceability, effective monitoring of drug use and prescription.
Entrepreneur from Rio Grande do Sul Luiz Fernando Buainain, CEO of Distribuidora Brasil de Medicamentos, participated in the event. Buainain is president of ABAFARMA - Brazilian Association of Wholesale Pharmaceuticals, one of the entities participating in the preparation of the pilot project for the drug traceability system. ABAFARMA is responsible for 80% of the GDP of pharmaceutical distribution in the country and this year - from January to August - has already earned R $ 10,5 billion. (With information from the Advisory)