Piracy falls in Brazil


Source: Correio Braziliense, 17/11/2008

Two public opinion polls carried out by Ibope at the request of the Brazil-United States Chamber of Commerce and the Brazil-United States Business Council outline the profiles of piracy and intellectual property in Brazil. The first of them attacks a point that has been a reason for action by the National Council to Combat Piracy and Other Crimes Against Industrial Property: the educational campaign.

The survey showed that 72% of respondents - among those who eventually buy pirated products - would stop buying them if they knew they were financing organized crime. For 88% of those who answered the question, if they became aware of the link between piracy and drug trafficking, they would also avoid counterfeiting. And, finally, 90% would also leave these products if they knew that they cause damage to health.

The result of the survey also brought important information: the 38% drop in buyers of counterfeit products in Brazil in 2008 compared to the same period last year. The reduction was seen in sneakers, clothing and toys. And the main reason was the association of the campaign that the purchase of pirated products is illegal with the fight of the police forces. In municipalities where there is no repression, piracy grew by 46%.

Another tip of this tripod is of an economic nature. The average citizen has the feeling that a certain counterfeit product is more affordable compared to that manufactured by the industry, which collects taxes and acts within the law. But there are already some advances, especially by the recording industry - one of the most affected by the so-called “generics” - which has been adapting itself in the sense of placing on the market a product whose value is very close to the counterfeit. This has been very important.

The population survey traced the profile of buyers of pirated products. According to the document, 76% of respondents said they buy counterfeits eventually and 24% are buyers by conviction. Of the occasional consumers, we have the following: the majority is composed of women aged between 25 and 39 years old, with high school in course or completed, class C and salaried.

As for those who say they are convinced buyers, the majority are male, between 25 and 39 years of age, also with high school completed or nearing completion, class C and formal employees. In addition, the work showed that pirated products generated R $ 23 billion this year in the sectors of toys, clothing, sneakers, perfumes and cosmetics, electronic games and motorcycle parts. Losses in these specific sectors are estimated to have reached R $ 46,5 billion. And the impact for public coffers was R $ 18,6 billion due to the non-collection of taxes and duties.

Ibope's second survey reveals the view of parliamentarians on the issue of intellectual property. It should be read and understood with the same degree of importance that we give to consultation with ordinary people. Most national legislators pointed out (97%) that intellectual property is a topic little discussed in the National Congress. In the opinion of deputies and senators, intellectual property is a relevant factor for development.

Congressmen also answered questions about piracy and patent infringement. For 62% of respondents, the federal government is fighting piracy. Regarding the breach of drug patents, legislators were favorable since in the event of an epidemic.

So, within these two scenarios - that is, ordinary citizens and opinion makers - there is a much clearer vision of what has been done in recent years in the fight against piracy. And it proves for the whole society how we should be guided so that these crimes are combated quite effectively. It will be a victory for Brazilian society.