Dramatically falls adulteration of fuels


Source: Guaranotícia - PR - 10/11/2009

In 2002, the fuel adulteration rate in Paraná was over 25%.
Currently, due to the strict inspection by the State Government at gas stations, the index is no more than 01%.

The information is from the delegate Francisco Caricati, from the Special Operations Center of the Civil Police of Paraná.

Inspections are carried out jointly with the Southern Brazilian Fuel Quality Committee.

This Monday (09th), for example, about 70 stations in Cutritiba began to be inspected.

The inspectors check the pumps and check if there is adulteration of fuels. Inspection also aims to avoid tax evasion.

This year the operations covered gas stations in Foz do Iguaçu, Cascavel, Umuarama, Campo Mourão, Maringá, Londrina, Guarapuava, Ponta Grossa, Jacarezinho and Santo Antônio da Platina.

One hundred and sixty establishments were inspected.