CNJ finances research to subsidize judicial policies


Source: UFMG - Belo Horizonte / MG - NEWS - 24/11/2009

The National Council of Justice (CNJ) will allocate R $ 2 million to finance research on the Judiciary in Brazil. Higher education and research institutions, public or private (provided they are non-profit), can submit proposals until December 17. Five proposals will be chosen, which will receive up to R $ 400 thousand each.

The CNJ's objective is to gather subsidies for the formulation of judicial policies. Some of the topics to be covered are the attendance of Special Courts and Appeals Groups of the State and Federal Courts; causes of the progressive increase in civil lawsuits in Brazil, especially repetitive claims, as well as the slowness of civil justice; interrelationships between administrative and judicial proceedings from the perspective of legal certainty in terms of economic competition and the effectiveness of public regulation; and interrelationships between the administrative and the judicial process, based on the identification of litigations, the solution of which should be previously tried at the administrative level (with emphasis on tax enforcement processes).

Proposals must be sent to the Judicial Research Department of the CNJ, and the results will be published on December 28, 2009, in the Diário da Justiça Eletrônico and on the CNJ website.

More information can be found in the Selection Notice nº 01/2009 - published in DJ-e nº 196/2009, on 17/11/09 (pages 4-9 and 13-40) - and available on the CNJ website.

Doubts can be clarified through contact with (subject “Public Call - Notice No. 01/2009) or by calling (61) 3217-4986 and 3217-4546.