How to improve the business environment?


Source: ETCO

Improving the business environment is an indispensable condition for the country's development and a permanent objective of the Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition - ETCO. To this end, ETCO held debates this year on some variables that affect the business environment.

ETCO analyzed the social and economic causes of transgressions in the history of Brazil, poor management of public spending and excessive bureaucracy as factors to induce deviations in ethical conduct. To present the result of these debates and to forward solutions to problems, ETCO promotes the seminar “How to improve the business environment”, on December 4th, in São Paulo.

“Our objective was to discuss, throughout the year, factors that hinder ethics, completing this cycle with a seminar in which we will present viable proposals for institutional improvements”, says ETCO's executive president, professor André Franco Montoro Filho.

Each debate was supported by an entity. The first discussed the culture of transgressions and their effects on society and was carried out in partnership with the Instituto Fernando Henrique Cardoso (IFHC). For the event, four intellectuals prepared a presentation with the theme “Culture of Transgressions in Brazil, the lessons of history: is overcoming this culture a condition for the country's development?”.
The second debate put the bureaucracy on the agenda. The event, promoted by Instituto Hélio Beltrão (IHB), with the support of ETCO, analyzed bureaucratization and corruption in the international context, identified the economic and political costs of bureaucracy and corruption and studied the means to raise awareness and mobilize public opinion , civil society entities and the political class.

The latest investigation, a partnership with FIPE, examined how public spending is used in five areas: Education, Health, Public Security, Human Resources and Social Security Expenses. All the results of the work will be presented at the seminar “How to improve the business environment”.
With the confirmed presence of the Governor of São Paulo, José Serra, the event will also count on the participation of Senator Aloizio Mercadante, the Governor of Bahia, Jaques Wagner, President Fernando Henrique Cardoso and several other authorities and renowned experts.

Data: Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Working Hours: from 13h30 to 18h30
Location: Auditorium of FEA / USP
Address: Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908, University City - São Paulo