National Council to Combat Piracy and Intellectual Property Offenses begins work in Brasilia


By Mario S. Viana

Brasília (24)? We are going to win the war against piracy. After this ceremony, will the Council already have its first working meeting? Thus, the Minister of Justice Marcio Thomaz Bastos manifested himself when he inaugurated the members of the Council coordinated by Luiz Paulo Barreto, Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, and formed by representatives of the Ministries of Labor and Employment, Foreign Affairs, Industry and Trade Development , Culture, Finance, Chamber of Deputies, Federal Police, Federal Highway Police and private initiative, including the sectors of music, software, literary, audio-visual and industry, represented by Emerson Kapaz of the Brazilian Institute of Competitive Ethics? ETCO.

? The serious work done by the CPI of Piracy of the Chamber of Deputies, and the struggle of Emerson Kapaz from the early days of the Etco Institute were the precursors to the creation of this Council. We do not intend to invent the wheel or overlap with other initiatives with the same objectives. We will work based on three concepts: articulation, intelligence and information network, which will lead us to a fight only in the fight against piracy, which is one of the many faces of organized crime. Am I sure ?, Minister Marcio Thomaz Bastos concluded,? that the Council will work and that we will win the war?

When presenting the promotional pieces for the campaign? Natal Legal ?, whose central theme is? Say no to this pirate? and the signature,? Pirate product is guaranteed of unemployment? the President of the Etco Institute Emerson Kapaz enthusiastically welcomed the start of the Council's work. ? Finally, we will have justice for everyone, police for everyone and revenue for everyone. Without ethics, the only thing left in Brazil will be barbarism? concluded.

The inauguration ceremony also included the Minister of Culture Gilberto Gil, the Secretaries of Federal Revenue and Economic Law Jorge Rachid and Daniel Goldberg, Deputies Luiz Antonio Medeiros, President, Josias Quintal, Rapporteur, Julio Semeghini and Julio Lopes, of CPI da Piracy, John Newton of Interpol, André Almeida of the Business Software Alliance, and Paulo Rosa, of the music industry.