Criminals trade drugs market for drugs


Source: Ponta News - - POLICE - 28/09/2010

"Criminals are leaving marijuana, crack, cocaine to invest in the illicit pharmaceutical sector." The statement is from the president of the Regional Pharmacy Council (CRF), Ronaldo Abrão.

Still according to him, a survey reveals that around 20% of pharmacies and drugstores around the world work clandestinely, which makes it easier for illegal drugs to be commercialized.

The black market that smuggles or even produces counterfeit drugs acts mainly on those products for erectile dysfunction, but also on slimming, abortion, supplements, for chronic diseases in general, among others are also targeted by criminals.

Outlaw drugs are usually sold directly to the consumer, gyms and even in clandestine or even regularized pharmacies and drugstores. “One of the Council's concerns is that there is often illegal trade within the establishment without the customers' knowledge.

In many cases, owners also don't know that their professionals are breaking the law and more: putting their clients' lives at risk. The person takes it with confidence, but, in fact, he is taking flour ”, warns Ronaldo Abrão.

According to a survey by the CRF, the number of intoxication by drugs is higher than that registered with poisonous and pesticide animals. An interesting observation is that Mato Grosso do Sul is almost essentially agricultural and is still not at the top of the ranking of intoxications.

“By law, a clerk cannot sell medicine. You can only take one medicine on the shelf and deliver the pharmaceutical professional to the customer, otherwise this is illegal practice.

Bus Routes

When gangs smuggle drugs, due to the illicit nature of the action, they end up transporting the bottles and boxes in places that would hardly raise suspicions from inspectors or the police itself, for example, hiding in loads of other legalized products.

Then another risk arises that worsens even more, as they stay outside the recommended temperature. Legalized laboratories always transport in refrigerated vehicles and still obey their own packaging.

Poor transport is not just a habit for criminals. Most people do not keep their medication properly, even when they leave the shelves.

“Imagine a customer who buys it, puts it on the dashboard of the car (place that gets a lot of heat) or in the bag and when he gets home he puts it in a damp place, for example. This product has already undergone a process of deterioration and loss of efficiency ”, says Ronaldo Abrão.


To curb the smuggling of illicit drugs, the CRF has partnered with some entities and institutions such as Procon, pharmaceutical laboratories and the National Health Surveillance Agency for an event in the Municipality of Campo Grande, next Thursday (30). The objective is to debate about irregular medicines, their risks, how to identify a fraudulent product, among other topics.

Source: MercosulNews