Uniara professor recommends that consumers ask for the Nota Fiscal Paulista


Source: Folha Cidade - Araraquara / SP - 26/11/2009

Eduardo Rois Morales Alves, master professor at the University Center of Araraquara - Uniara, who is also the coordinator of the Administration, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management, Financial Management and Marketing Management courses, encourages consumers to ask for the Nota Fiscal Paulista.

According to him, the Nota Fiscal Paulista is a strategy against tax evasion and in favor of consumer tax awareness, which receives a reward (credits) and also competes monthly for the Prize Draw, which has already distributed R $ 1.562.429.223,00 , 2008 since XNUMX.

"People are making money, so this relieves the tax burden on families a little, which can be reverted to the Motor Vehicle Property Tax - IPVA or even apply for credits in checking or savings accounts."

Alves says that the Nota Fiscal Paulista is the result of the Electronic Invoice, implemented in the capital of São Paulo during the mandate of the then mayor of São Paulo José Serra (PSDB), in 2004, with the purpose of increasing the collection of the Tax on Services - ISS and reverse part of the amount collected from the consumer in credits for payment of the Property Tax and Urban Territory - IPTU.

Two years later, when the politician was elected governor of the state, he created the Nota Fiscal Paulista, an incentive and incentive for people to ask for the Nota Fiscal, a tax obligation for companies. "As people ask for the Invoice, we avoid cashier two and encourage the collection of the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services - ICMS, which is the main tax of the states."

Who has not registered and intends to obtain the benefit should access the site http://www.nfp.fazenda.sp.gov.br/ and register from the CPF number. There will be a login, which is the CPF itself, and a password. In this way, the registered consumer will be able to follow the launches of banknotes, as if it were a current account.

The professor explains that the invoice is valid for all types of purchases in the State of São Paulo, as long as the company is subject to ICMS. Only services such as water, electricity and telephone, the Nota Fiscal Paulista cannot be requested.

He points out that even in online purchases the Nota Fiscal Paulista is valid. However, the company must be headquartered in the State of São Paulo. In this case, the consumer does not need to ask for it, just inform the CPF number, that the Nota Fiscal Paulista will be launched automatically.

The coupon does not need to be saved, as the system is computerized. The trader has to inform the State Government database, through the accounting office or the person who writes the company's tax form.

Alves clarifies that the Government reverts to the consumer up to 30% of the ICMS due. “It varies a lot from product to product; pharmacists, personal hygiene and alcoholic beverages give a higher return, as they are the most taxed. ”

He says that some people fear crossing information with the Federal Government database. Alves, however, says that the citizen will have no problem if he has all his income taxed.

“As this spreads, tax evasion falls a lot.

It is still common for a merchant to buy without a note and sell without a note. When he does this, he is withholding ICMS. The consumer has the right to order and the merchant the obligation to supply. ”