And the NFe Project was a success!
Source: Reseller Web - São Paulo / SP - BLOGS - 09/12/2010
And it was. Despite doubts, initial difficulties, the terrible and ever-present phase of adaptation to the implementation of a new system, most companies were unscathed to the Electronic Invoice.
In 2010, we had a record number of segments joining the project. The last batch of companies required to implement the system occurred on 01/12, when, among other segments, retailers started to play. Now, any retailer that sells to other states or supplies products to government agencies is required to issue the NFe. Let's take a real example to analyze: imagine that you have a Supermarket in a small town in the interior of São Paulo. In addition to selling to the general public, you provide basic baskets to the City Hall. From 01/12 onwards, you will only be able to deliver the basic baskets if you issue an NFe.
Ah but I don't want to, I'm not going to broadcast it electronically and it's over. Okay, let's not fight over it. But it is good to warn you about the inconveniences: the customer will probably refuse the merchandise, because if he receives it with a paper note, he will be conniving with his tantrum and the two will be held responsible, receiving fines for an irregular invoice issued. In fact, just a parenthesis: it is precisely this mutual culpability that made the project, in my opinion, a success.
Regardless of the large adhesion and its round operation, many clients already qualified have not yet joined the project. In fact, it is extremely easy to know who has not joined and to measure the delay time of the entrepreneur. Remember that for the issuance of the NFe it is necessary to purchase the digital certificate, responsible for the authentication and digital signature of the NFe. Without the certificate you will not be able to issue NFe. Whoever takes the certificate has a deadline to start using it. Therefore, the Barrichelos that have not yet taken out are irregular and, in a little while, they will start to be notified. That simple.
Taking advantage of the opportunity, we will make a retrospective of the main segments and the month of entry into the NFe in 2010:
- April: slaughterhouses and animal slaughtering, dairy and coffee producers, producers of beverages such as malt and beer, weaving and tobacco;
- July: manufacturers of juices, chocolates, clothes, much of the bullshit we eat such as snacks and sweets, shoes, plastic household items and some sectors of the civil construction market, such as mortar and ceramics;
- October: extraction of ores and fuels, activities to support the extraction of ores, some types of footwear and clothing, jewelry, musical instruments and composting plants;
- December: retail, in general and any supply operation for public agencies.
If you have doubts about the obligation of your company to issue the NFe or not, I advise you to take two steps:
1- Consult the Electronic Invoice Portal ( its commercial segment through the CNAE (National Economic Activity Code). It is present on your CNPJ card and it is this code that determines the companies' adhesion deadlines;
2- Change counter. If the current one was no good even to guide you about it, why continue with it? Look for a competent one!