ETCO launches magazine


After 18 months of existence, ETCO - Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition - takes an important step in its trajectory, launching in August the first issue of ETCO magazine.

The title, which is addressed to all those who work for Brazilian development and progress, reveals how ETCO's main responsibility has been fulfilled, which is to fight unfair competition, which feeds on tax evasion, smuggling and adulteration of products .

In addition, the publication also shows victories that have been won by ethical companies, those that collect taxes and contribute positively to the generation of jobs, income and competitiveness. At the same time, it seeks to make visible the portrait of the authentic Parallel State that has been taking shape in Brazil, with its extensive procession of informal activities that inhibit the resumption of economic growth in a sustained and lasting manner.
The magazine will periodically address relevant topics, enriched with interviews, statistical data, studies and opinions from entrepreneurs, executives and authorities.

In this initial issue, the highlights are given for the article “The challenges of parallel Brazil in the 21st century” and for the specific study on the topic of informality prepared by McKinsey Consulting.

Previous editions