Pharmacies that sold irregular medicines in Minas are prohibited by Anvisa


Source: O Globo Online - Rio de Janeiro / RJ - 17/10/2010

MGTV - BELO HORIZONTE - Two pharmacies were closed by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) in Coromandel, in Alto Paranaíba, in Minas Gerais. They sold counterfeit drugs with an expiration date.

3.000 pills of sexual stimulant smuggled from Paraguay were found. The inspection also seized expired drugs.

According to the chief of the operation, which was carried out on Friday, one of them will be charged for the crime of drug trafficking, for selling prescription drugs without a prescription and also for illegal possession of weapons. The other owner was arrested for the crime of falsifying medicines.

A lawyer has already filed a request for habeas corpus for the owners of pharmacies.