Advertising films mark new national campaign against piracy


Source: Ministry of Justice - Brasília / DF - 02/12/2010

Brasília, 02/12/2010 (MJ) - As of this Friday (3), more than 600 movie theaters from all over the country are going to show before the start of the sessions the four educational films released this Thursday (2) at the Cinemateca, in São Paulo. The initiative of the Ministry of Justice and the National Cinema Agency (Ancine) is part of the national campaign to combat audiovisual piracy. The National Day to Combat Piracy is celebrated on December 3rd.

Present at the launch of the campaign, the Minister of Justice, Luiz Paulo Barreto, said that piracy helps to finance organized crime repudiated by the citizen. Barreto also declared that “nothing better than audiovisual to awaken the sensitivity of the Brazilian people”. The Minister of Justice pointed out that combating piracy is an exercise in citizenship. “Therefore, the use of this means of communication is important to convey to the consumer how important it is to be original. And originality is a characteristic of the Brazilian people ”, he defended.

The campaign aims to promote actions and activities aimed at combating piracy and crimes against intellectual property. In films, national artists speak to the public about the importance of society's participation in this fight. The protagonists of the campaign's films reaffirm the respect for the originality of the Brazilian people as an argument in defense of copyright.

Ancine's president, Manoel Rangel Neto, emphasized that the campaign works with the original concept, works to show what is cool. "These films are part of a commitment and articulation of Brazilian institutions to preserve legalized activity to the detriment of piracy," he declared.

The president of the National Council to Combat Piracy (CNCP) and executive secretary of the MJ, Rafael Favetti, drew attention to the association of piracy with crime. "According to all the data we have on seizures, whoever makes and distributes these products is linked to organized crime."

A technical cooperation agreement that gives continuity to educational, economic and repressive actions in the audiovisual area was signed by Minister Luiz Paulo Barreto, Executive Secretary Rafael Thomaz Favetti and by the president of Ancine, Manoel Rangel Neto. All CNCP members were present at the launch of the campaign.


Research by Fecomércio / RJ on piracy, released on Tuesday (30), reveals that currently, 70,2 million people consume pirated products in Brazil. The study shows that there was an increase of 13,8 million more of the total consumers of these products in relation to 2006.

Among the pirated products consumed are CD to cigarettes. The percentage of respondents in the survey of the institution that buys pirated CDs reached 79%, followed by DVDs (77%); glasses (7%); footwear, bags or sneakers (7%); watches (5%); clothes (6%); toys (3%) and cigarettes (4%). The survey was conducted in 70 households in XNUMX cities, nine of which were metropolitan regions.